Chapter 4-Spike's Back

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Chase groaned as Leo left, feeling as gross as possible with the goopy mixture dripping off him in a mish mash of old food and expired milk. His clothes stunk and there was no way he was gonna spend the entire day, with disgusting smelling and in texture clothes on.

He was about to do something when he felt nervous. What'll happen when Mr. Davenport notices that he missed his own class and sees him still in his capsule? He was gonna get in a lot of trouble.

Suddenly, the words COMMANDO APP ENGAGED flashed across his face, he groaned as instead of being un-in control of himself, he was partially in control with Spike fighting him for control.

Then Chase felt something he'd never felt before. He felt like someone was pulling something out of him. Like, fabric tearing. It started to hurt and it finished, leaving Chase unconsious on the floor.
Leo never felt better about going to class. He had first period off since Chase was... occupied and he didn't have to worry about any homework. And after school, he was gonna keep intimidating Chase until he gave in to Leo, even if it meant pranking him everyday, he was gonna get his way.

"Schools cancelled." Mr. Davenport announced, running through the halls, nervously and quickly. "Bree, Adam, follow me."

"What is it Mr. Davenport?" Bree asked urgently, setting down her tablet on a cyberdesk, immediatly following their father.

"You'll see when we get there." Mr. Davenport replied, grabbing a device from the cyberdesk, running faster.

"What is it Big D?" Leo asked, suddenly concerned.

"Just, go to the training area with the rest of the students." Mr. Davenport ordered, quickening his pace.

Leo followed them to their room, finding Chase with the vomitous smell in his capsule. Mr. Davenport turned on the SHOWER app and it rinsed him, soaped him then blowdried him. He still didn't wake up.

"What's wrong with him?" Bree asked, concern dripping from her voice.

"First things first." Mr. Davenport said, clearing his throat and began to speak into a microphone. "The academy is on lockdown, I repeat, the academy is on lockdown. This is not a drill."

"Why?" Bree asked.

"Something, or someone set Chase's capsule to lock and pranked him. But when that happened, Spike came out, litterally. Spike managed to unbind himself from Chase's body and escape, only to the other side of the island. He'll look identical to Chase so be careful. Only Chase or Spike can control Chase's body so if Spike manages to knock Chase out and take over his body, Chase will seize to exist, Spike being the only inhabitant of Chase's body. But, if he doesn't do that in twenty four hours, Chase will be in control one again and Spike will seize to exist. Now let's help Chase."

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