You have to face the rain to see the rainbow

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Well hello everyone it's me Kaitlyn!! This is my very first story on wattpad, thanks to my cousin Courtney aka Kawaii_Pocky please go check this girl out!!! So it's currently raining and rain means mud and mud means flood and flood means... Wait I don't even live near a river what am I talking about?????? Anywho I have some cats outside and I had two cats that had baby's, Pumpkin my tabby cat had five, and Navi ( legend of Zelda named ) who had two kittens. Well Navi took all the kittens away while Pumpkin was out in the woods, so now the momma cat of five is very sad and she's a little bit sick, it makes me really sad to see her this way. I have looked and looked and looked but I can't find the kittens anywhere.
Just yesterday I was talking to my cousin Courtney Kawaii_Pocky and we where talking about what I should do with my wattpad, she said that random thoughts is what I should start with. I'm currently writing a story about a country girl who meets a beautiful gypsy horse........ I'm only five chapters in writing it ( I'm kinda lazy.. Ok really lazy. )
Well that's it for today!!! I will try to post on Sunday and Tuesday's. BYE🐼🦄🐼🦄

!!!Random thoughts!!!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin