When you get back together!!

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You sobbed and sobbed on, missing Bertholdt so much and just wanting to forgive him to get back together. You kept eating coffee flavored Mochi balls when suddenly the doorbell rang. You threw your blanket in the air and vroomed down the stairs to open the door and there he was. You felt so happy but there was also a hatred building up and you ended up glaring at him. "You're so cute when you're happy and upset. Stop pretending and let me make it up to you, my dulce." He took out a beautiful necklace that had the word "Dulce" written on it and you let him put it around your neck.
You both went out to a restaurant so he could explain. "I'm sorry for not explaining sooner, (your name)... I did not sleep with her, I promise. I know this is going to sound crazy but as I was going to come over for our movie night, but then a random girl was lying on my porch so I brought her in. She threw up all over my floor and when I went to clean it up, I saw her drop my phone on the floor causing it to fully shut off so I couldn't even message you! I took care of her and made sure to keep her on the sofa but next thing I knew, I think the crazy girl knocked me out when I was making her a snack... I promise though, I know I did not sleep with her... I don't know what her deal was to undress me and make it look like we had sex... Please forgive me, my sweetheart! You know I would never do that to you!"
You put a finger to his lip and although you really want to punch that crazy slut in the throat you smiled and knew he had no intentions and was being a nice guy. "I'm only mad because you didn't put her in a dumpster instead of taking care of her. Did she just up and leave after I did?" He nodded, "I woke her up and made her leave right away.. I'm so sorry please take me back.." You nodded and kissed him happily. You quickly typed in your notes "place cameras in house".


You were at a park on one of the swings looking down struggling to know what to do. You heard crunching of the woodchips in front of you and looked up to see Rivaille. You gave him the emotionless expression but inside you were so happy, but upset. He didn't say anything and walked behind you and started to push you on the swings. You smiled letting him away you back and forth giggling as you went higher. At some point you jumped off landing on your two feet.
He looked at you with a confused look which was ironic because that's what you're supposed to give him. "What do you want?" You asked. He sat on the swing you were on and patted his lap. Your eyebrow was twitching in frustration. "I bet many girls would love to sit on your lap... Or they probably already have!" Rivaille sighed and walked up behind you to push you. You tried to stop him but he was really strong so you jumped out of your swing falling face flat on the wood chips. "A-ow..." He ran to you and raised your face up smirking. "Clumsy as a always."
You both were staring at each other in silence and soon your lips were planted. You hated it, but in the same time you missed his touch so much. Soon you both separated realizing where you were and you looked away. He gripped onto your hands making you look back at him. "Listen (y/n), the reason why I was with so many girl was because I saw a bunch of guys surrounding you and you seemed to be so happy with them I was jealous... Then, a bunch of girls asked me for help and since you were busy I decided to follow them, but when one of them kissed me, I saw you leave and it hurt. I'm really sorry. They've been on me forever, but I saw you already moved on so I was really hurt... But I heard the asshole cheated on you. Baby, you know I would never do that to you... Please, um. Can we get back together?"
You smiled and nodded, "Rivaille? Did you really just give me a heartfelt message and told me you were jealous?" You giggled thinking that he was so out of character that it was funny, but that was a sign that he was getting closer to you. You nodded and kissed him again.


You were at the bakery store that you met Connie at, tearing up not caring who was watching. As you wiped your eyes, you heard someone take a seat right in front of you. You peeked slightly and noticed a bouquet of roses jumping up out of shock. "I'm sorry, (y/n)! Please take me back! It's not what you think! We never made out or anything!" You smiled slightly taking the flowers and sat down letting him explain. "I was really upset that you didn't like the outfit, so I went to go return it to the store, but then some girl came up to me saying she knew you and I. I told her what happened and she said she knew that you loved sweets, so we went to my house and she helped me bake. Then she left while I was mixing and when she called me to my bedroom she knocked me against the wall, but we didn't kiss! I was pushing her away but you came in and I was so shocked and nervous!"
Your eyebrows twitched as you listened to Connie thinking about how much of an idiot he is. You sighed and looked at the flowers and smiled murmuring to yourself, "but you're my idiot..." He looked at you with red cheeks and nervous eyes making you giggle. "Continue." He nodded and returned to his story, "When you left I finally got her off and made her leave my house and I might've thrown the cake batter all over her. Listen, (y/n) please take me back. I love you so much, I cannot live without you..." You laughed hysterically thinking, thank god! You nodded and walked to hug him.


You were at the gym running on a treadmill and listening to music to block out everything that's been going on- especially Reiner. Yet, it never became successful because he was always apologizing to you and giving you gifts. In your bedroom was a teddy bear, balloons, half-eaten chocolates and a heart-shaped pillow. You wanted to forgive him, but he still cheated on you. When you started to think back on the past memories you two have made, you felt your ankle twist and you fell backwards, but not onto the ground; into a pair of arms. You looked behind you and saw Reiner. You wanted to get out of his touch, but your ankle was in so much pain. "Oh my god, (y/n) are you okay?!" You shook your head. He lifted you up and held you bridal style bringing you to the closest hospital which was actually a block away. You ended up closing your eyes resting in his arms.

After a couple of hours, you opened your eyes and saw Reiner cup his face. He looked really upset, so you poked him in the arm. He looked up at you and smiled so heavily hugging you tightly. You missed his warmth a lot. "Reiner... Where am I?" He told you what happened. "I was so worried, (y/n)! I could never let you get hurt... I care so much about you". That brought you back to your senses and you looked away feeling anger in your heart. He realized as well that you two weren't together. He gripped onto your hand making you look at him.

"I'm sorry, (y/n).. I should've said this months ago, but we never kissed. I would never do that to you! She was a close friend of mine, but when she got me snacks I didn't think she would throw herself at me."

"You let her slap your ass". You said harshly. "But, it didn't mean anything to me. It was a joke! I'm really sorry... I'm not very skilled in the whole being a good boyfriend, but I promise I would never ever want to hurt you or for you to be hurt. I love you so much, please give me another chance..." You thought about the memories you've made and you know you still love him. You sighed hoping not to regret this, but gave him a smile and nodded. "I love you too."


(Remember that this time, you cheated on Erwin)

You're shopping for ingredients for the fruitcake you're making for the kids. As you look on your list to see that you just need milk, you see that there's only one carton left. You start running as fast as you can, but before you could even swing the door open, someone already grabs the milk. You look at him in shock. "Oh did you need this?" A creepy guy gives you a grin that sends shivers up your back. "Actually yes, I'm baking for my kids." You blush as you say those words. "Kids? You look like you're 14, what a whore..."
      Suddenly someone snatches the carton from him and hands it to you. "Uh thank you..." You look to see Erwin in happiness, shock and guilt. "Hey! Give it back! I got it first!" Erwin smiles at you then turns to glare at him. "My apologies, but you don't deserve it and trust me, you better go to another store to get it". The man sends you a final glare before running away. You sigh in relief and smile at Erwin. You remember all the times he has protected you and you open your mouth to apologize but before you can he plants a kiss on your lips. "Mm!" You close your eyes slowly dropping the cart wrapping your arms around his neck.
     You both let go over some time breathing heavily. "Erwin, I'm so sorry for what I've done. It was such a stupid mistake, I knew from the moment it happened that I regretted it. The kids miss you so much! You don't have to come back to me, but for them..." He looks at you sadly, but then smiles and kisses you again. "Of course... I missed you so much. I'll come back, to you and our children."


Hey guys! Man it's been forever and I'm so sorry! Who else hates school? Haha yeah not funny... but if anyone of you have still stayed here or come here, well thank you! I hope you guys love this chapter and I promise I'm going to make a Christmas special chapter! Thank you guys so much, don't forget to vote and follow if you haven't!

Comment of the Chapter

This person really brightened my day and I'm always glad I can be of help or inspiration to anybody. Well you guys are my greatest inspiration so thank you for pushing me to still be here!

@Jmsusaka: "I most say . You an amazing writer. My friend me bout AOT . I haven't even watched it yet, but after reading or story, I'm in love with the anime already. Keep writing cause u r my mentor.I'm gonna start writing my own fic that you've inspired me to write. Again I love your story."

All of your comments made me so happy because your reactions are all I ever want, positive and negative because it doesn't only show me that you guys can connect to where I am, but also lets me know that I have people who do want me to continue writing. I love you all!

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