Chapter 3

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I threw my bag under the desk and slummped back in my chair. As normal, I was early, I hated crowds so and small spaces, so I get in as early as I can as often as I can. I took out my Ipod and put the left headphone into my ear. I hit the shuffle button skipping a few songs before I could decide on a good song to suit my mood. I was happy to be back at school -enthasis on the was- someone cleared their throat in the door way, it made me jumped a little, but I tried to hide it. I looked up and the look of shock on on my face turned to anger and then disgust. I snarled up at none other than Chase Reed. I looked back down to the scrap paper I had been drawing on, and continued with my drawing of my friend shannon as a cat. It went back to being peacefull again. I turned up my Ipod because christina perri's jar of hearts came on. my peace didnt last long -unfortunatly- because Chase cleared his throat again. He was really starting to piss me off now.

'What chase?!' I demanded 'What do you want?'

'I want to sit in form' he replied, obviously trying to wind me up. What makes it worse is that he decided to sit next to me! The whole forms empty, and he wants to sit next to me?! 'so . . . have you got a boyfriend?' he continued acting like it was normal.

'Thats not got shit to do with you!' I snapped, he'd pushed me over the edge. I hate this guy!

'Calm down, I was just interesed as to weather a pretty girl like you was single?' he stated as if questioning his own words.

'Thats funny.' I stated bluntly 'becuase three years ago, you made my life living hell! you called me fat, you called me ugly, and you called me disgusting, you broke my heart and now you have the balls to show up here and act like nothing happened? well fuck you Chase! FUCK YOU!!' maybe now he'd shut up and leave it alone, that wound still hasnt healed.

'SHIT! Tina, I'm sorry' I guess I spoke too soon. 'Tina ... I didnt mean any of that, I was so caught up in being popular, I forgot who I was. Ya know, I broke up with melissa the day you left, and I haven't gone out with anyone since.' I opened my mouth to speak but he carried on all the same 'I guess I just never got over you Tina' I had to get my words in before he carried on again.

'That still doesnt change the fact that you broke my heart! you . . .' I said accusinly 'you were supposed to be my best friend!' I could feel tears stinging my eyes 'bestfriends dont pull that kind of crap on eachother!' now I was crying, like full on sobbing 'so you know what Chase? go find some slag that actually cares!' i turned off my Ipod and shoved it into my pocket. I got up and stormed out. As I walked down towards the entrance to find Jessie i started to think, what is she going to say when she see's Chase? how would she react when she finds out he's in the same form as her? This, is not going to go down well.

I stood by the school gates for what felt like a good 5 minutes before Jessie showed up. She looked petrified, I could understand why though, the only time she's ever moved school was to change from primary to secondary. I walked up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder. She froze and she must have looked like a deer in headlights, because she was getting some weird looks.

'Hey' I smiled.

'HEY!!' she half yelled getting over excited as she turned around and faced me, she spun on her heel to fast though and she started to sway on her 3inch heels.

'you know you aint going to get away with those heels right?' I laughed at her face as she frowned

'Why the hell not?' she seemed puzzled, we'd always worn heels at sheffield high and gotten away with it but this school was stricter then sheffield high, I learned that the hard way.

'We're not allowed heels here Jess' I said with an apollogetic tone. I knew how much her heels meant to her, she hardly ever wore anything but. I still remember last summer when she came down with a closet load of loubitons.

I couldnt possibly fall for you again, could I?Where stories live. Discover now