Chapter 4

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Steve wakes up and sees light coming from the windows and looks around. There are tables around the room. Human guards, guarding. And a big black chair that was looking out through the main window. Steve looks for his shield but doesn't find it anywhere. The room looks exactly like the room he was in before he was knocked out. His right arm was weak and his left leg was bruised but he slowly managed to stand up on his feet.

Running and hitting the guards, he made it past the first row, but more and more guards came through windows and doors. Steve looks around him and finds himself trapped. Someone, very tall, turns around in the chair and smiles. "I knew you would wake up soon enough, but I guess you don't stay unconscious for as long as I thought you would." The person suggests. Steve looks at the guards and then back at the leader.

"I didn't realize that you were so sincere. I thought you were smarter than that, Oscar!" He answers. "Guess, I was wrong as well." Steve jumps in the air and lands on a table. The guards follow him and attack. Steve keeps from one table to the next without stopping. Oscar sits back in his chair and orders one of his guards to call for the rest of them. After a minute or so, more guards barge into the room. Soon, the whole room was filled with guards and there were no more tables open and no way out.

"Out of ideas, Captain?" Oscar asks. Steve kicks and punches he guards, but none will go away and there is no way to be saved. Steve saw more guards and soon the room was crowded. One guard wrapped his arms around Steve's left leg and then another guard did the same to the other leg and after that, every guard began doing that. Steve fell off the table and landed hard on the floor and everything he saw went black.

Oscar told his men to back up and he walks closer to Steve and kneeled beside him. "Not as tough as I thought you are without your shield." Oscar commented. He walks away and walks up to two of his men, "Take him to the smallest building in Atlanta, Oregon. Call me when you're done setting up." The two men do as they are told and doesn't call until they're done setting up the whole basement.

Back at HQ, the team talks around the table of what the plan is, how to find the twins and Steve, and to stop the three villains. "So far, we know Loki has the twins and he's planning on use Wanda to take control. Ultron Doesn't have Captain and Oscar is nowhere to be found and Ultron tried taking away the Tesseract in Vision." Thor explains. "There's only one person that has to have Captain." Stark admits.Everyone looks over at Stark. "Oscar has him. We need to find the location of Oscar to find Captain. Bruce! You're up."

While Bruce figures out the location of Oscar, the rest of the team begins gearing up. "Remember, if we don't get Captain and the twins the world explodes." Widow announces. Half an hour passes and Bruce finally finds the location of Oscar. "Got him!" Bruce shouts. "He's at the smallest building in Atlanta, Oregon." Clint looks over at Widow and smiles, "That guy is smart." Everyone leaves New York for Oregon and by that night, they arrive.

Steve wakes up in an area full of T.N.T.'s and a lot of gun powder. "S**t." He says. He stands up and looks around. A lot of boxes full of explosives. A lot of gun powder barrels, and no way out except...death.

Oscar walks towards Captain. "I can't see you, Captain. But I'm pretty sure you're awake!" Oscar states. Steve breaks out in deep breaths. "What exactly is your plan in ruling this world?" He asks. Oscar stands stiff and thinks. "I don't know except killing you and your team!" Steve hears two of Oscars guards walk up to the explosives and they begin to light some of it up. The boxes and barrels were stacked all the way up to the ceiling. There was no way to get out especially since there was an electric fence wire around the inside where he was and that was all the way up to the ceiling, also. Steve could not believe it. He was actually trapped.

Oscar picked up the ear com that was in his pocket from Steve and put it inside his ear. "Hey there, Avengers. You don't know me but you will. I have your friend and instead of him being America, he's going to be Aboomica!" Oscar finishes and puts the ear com in his hand and throws it backwards with all the explosives.

The whole team had frightened faces. Stark flies faster to the small building but is shot by a bunch of guards. "I need help. There's a bunch of guards here!" He calls. The team moves faster in their approach and they each make it to the same location. Oscar walks out of the building and blasts each member to the ground. Oscar keeps each of them down until they were each too weak to even save their friend. "Say goodbye to your Captain!" Oscar says with a grin. Oscar walks away from them and the building.

They each turn their heads to the building. BOOM the explosives went off and fire went everywhere. Hulk covered each one of them from the fire and the building fell apart. Nothing was left. Not even a sign of Captain.  

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