Fight Til The End

Start from the beginning

"I thought you said she couldn't do anything until the full moon?" Cassidy asked her next.

"I don't think that's going to stop her. She's power lust." Malia finally looked up at the two women on either side of her.

Braeden rubbed at her eyes in frustration over the person she has been hunting for many years now. "We can't take any more chances." The Mercenary walked over to the back door, grabbing the glass of mountain ash and started spreading it across the opening. "No one's getting in and no one's leaving unless we say so." She motioned back and forth between Cassidy and herself.

"That includes Stiles." The worry settled back in across Malia's face.

"What does he have to do with it?"

"I think she's going to try to go through him to get to me."

"We should probably let the spaz know he has a target on his head." The blue eyed girl mentioned to the other two. Braeden nodded and took the lead toward the stairs. Before Cassidy could follow, Malia grabbed a hold of her arm, making her turn to her. "What's wrong?"

"I just wanted you to know, I didn't mean for Stiles to get involved in this. Trust me, there are no more feelings there it's just that..."

Cassidy smiled, trying to ease the girl's anxiety. "Malia, you guys are best friends. Of course he's going to mean something to you and of course she's going to take notice of that."

"Yeah but-"

"Malia! We're fine. That part of our life is behind us. We're good."

The werecoyote's shoulders eased up significantly at the revelation. It wasn't like her to worry so much about what others were thinking about her, but over the year that has changed. Cassidy and she were finally at a good place and she didn't want anything to harbor that.

"You guys want to hug, or can we move this along." Braeden commented from the bottom of the stairs, waiting for the teenage girls. The two rolled their eyes and this time followed the older women up the stairs. They stopped at the beginning of the hallway, watching Stiles softly close Scott's bedroom door.

The boy looked over is question at the three girls, very confused by the hesitation in their faces.

"What?" Stiles asked, taking cautious steps forward. "What? What did I do?" His voice turned into a whine, eyes landing on his girlfriend hoping to get the truth out of her.

"Tell him." Braeden rose an eyebrow at Malia.

The short haired girl sighed. "You know how my mother wants to kill me?" He nodded yes. "I think she might want to kill you too."

"Okay, that's disconcerting." He furrowed his eyebrows at her. "I should probably have a gun."

All teenagers turned to Braeden at that comment, but she almost laughed in the boy's face. "I'm not giving you a gun."

"You have a gun. The Desert Wolf, who's trying to kill me, has a gun. You've given Cassidy multiple guns. I think I should probably have a gun."

Braeden pulled the one she had tucked into her hip holster out, before pulling the magazine out of it. Her eyes looked back and forth between the two pieces in her hands before casually tossing the empty gun towards him. The action took Stiles off guard, and the three watched as the boy juggled the firearm back and forth between his hands before dropping it.

Just before the gun hit the floor, Cassidy bent down and snatched it. She stood back up giving Stiles high eyebrows before handing the gun back to Braeden. "He doesn't need a gun."

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