Ch. 16

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I'm supposed to be asleep so of course I'm writing another chapter for you guys..also, I'm as emotional as a rock, so this was really hard to write and I'm sorry that it's so amateur and awful i hate everything k read on xD


Rain drummed heavily against roofs, a few cars were driving in every direction in the streets, a dog was barking in the distance - yet all I could hear was the sound of my heart beating out of my chest.

I had run, then climbed, and swung around without a destination, until I landed on a  random roof, shaking from exhaustion.

As if the guilt of dating anyone after Gwen wasn't enough, the horror of dating a murderer had to be the final straw.

It's not like I forgot he was a mercenary, that he killed for money. I just thought that focusing on this Heat Lamp guy would get his mind off of the killing, and maybe I could...I don't know, maybe I could make him the good guy.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Like an orphan child dreaming of their parents. People rarely change, I knew that. Deadpool would never be the good guy, no matter what I had had in mind. I needed to realize that.

But if he was such a bad guy, why did my heart skip a beat at the mention of his name? Why did it hurt to picture his face, scarred and hairless, with those white eyes staring at me as if he had just found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?

I dropped down to my knees and punched the roof, barely feeling the pain shooting through my knuckles. I punched it again, and again, and again, until I was screaming out in agony.

I could never have him.

I could hear my phone buzz. It had been ever since I started running away from Wade, but I had still not looked at it. Was he apologizing? Was he mad? Was he begging for a second chance?

Second chance...did something even happen between us, or was everything just all in my head? Was he playing with me all along, having some fun with the guy who's against killing, before he goes out and kills? Was I just a joke, just yet another thing he didn't take seriously?

How did I get my hopes up so high? I've never been one to expect the best, I'm always prepared for the worst, so how could I hope for a chance with someone as insane as Deadpool? It's like I had thrown my morals in the trash and walked towards him blindely, leaving a trail of bodies behind me.

Tears blurred my vision, and the wind was defeaning. Too caught up in my own pity party, I didn't notice I was no longer alone, until my spidey senses caught up a little too late. I felt something burn my shoulders, and then everything went black.


Like I said, I'm supposed to be asleep, so I'm tired and sorry if this was shit xD and I know it's short, literally just like 500 words I'M SORRY but I had to end it there, and didn't have much to put in the rest of the chapter so ya...filleeer xD to make up for it I'll try to be quick with the next chapter ^^

HERO - Spideypool [fanfic]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon