"You look pretty." He smiled nicely

"Thanks, you look nice to." I laughed

"Thanks, I think I'm going to sport this for the rest of the night is that ok with you?" He smirked

"Ya just put a pair of pants on and leave the shirt at home." I played along

"What about the towel?" He pretended to pout

"Leave it at home skinny jeans are better." I smiled sitting on the end if Louis bottom bunk

"Fine." He sighed "Il go her changed." He walked over next to me bending over halfway to pale a soft kiss on my lips before bending over all the way to pull out his suitcase from under the bed. He grabbed an out fit but I wasn't really paying attention and he quickly went back into the bathroom.

About five minutes later he came out with a pair of purpleish blue pants and a light brown shirt with brown and white Toms. I nodded in approval before standing back up, grabbing his hand and leading the way our of the tour bus.

Once we hopped in Louis' Lamborghini we took off to the restaurant. We were driving in comfortable silence the ahold twenty minutes holding hands and staring out the windows looking at all the cute little houses an shops. When we pulled up to the little Italian restaurant Louis looked at me with a serious expression.

"Here we go." He said taking a breath

"What do you mean?" I asked but it was to late he was already out if the car and had people running towards him.

I got out of the car and managed to get over to Louis. I grabbed his hand and he gave mine a little squeeze.


"Over here Bouis!"

"So is it true?"


So many questions people calling from everywhere telling us to smile. Louis didn't let go of my hand once as we looked back and forth smiling from one flashing light to the other.

Finally they cleared out and we made it into the restaurant. By now I've gotten use to all the flashing lights, nice comments, ad rude comments.

"Hi, dinner for two?" The young girl with an Italian accent asked standing behind the his table.

"Yes, reservation Louis Tomlinson." The lady nodded grabbing two napkins and menus then led us to our table in the back corner of the restaurant.

Warning, if you ever go to a restaurant with a celebrity you always sit in a corner away from everyone. I don't mind though.

"What are you ordering?" Louis asked snapping me back into. The real world and it turns out we were already siting at our table Louis had both my hands in his laid on the table.

"No clue."

"I'm going to get spaghetti I'm feeling a little Lady and the Tramp tonight." He winked at me

How is it that Louis can still give me butterflies and we've been going out for two years now? I smiled to myself.

"Me too." I smiled shyly

"Hi are you guys ready to order." Our waitress asked approaching the table as if on cue.

"Yes, two Cokes and a spaghetti plate for two." He smiled at the waitress who nodded before skipping away

Louis and I had a nice meal and we talked a lot about plans for the future and stuff. I was actually surprised that kids came up in the conversation and Louis wants a few kids. It was a pretty interesting conversation, when dinner was finally over I felt like we still had so much to talk about but I knew Louis needed to go to bed because he has to be up early tomorrow to do a sound check before we leave and head to Paris, France.

We decided to go back to the house and find something to do since it's already right o'clock and the boys are out at some bar. They're going to be tired and the morning, lucky me has to wake them up, yay. See the sarcasm.

"Louis lets watch a movie." I said as we walked into the door of the bus.

"Ok, what one?" He asked plopping down on the couch leaning his head in the back of it

I walked behind the couch and leaned over kissing his forehead as he looked up at me.

"Not Toy Story, Liam goes a little over board when it comes to Toy Story he might shoot us if we tell him we watched it without him." I laughed standing back up Louis looking at me upside down his head still leaning on the back of the couch.

"Ok I'll find a movie or something." He laughed

"Let's get changed first these heels are killing me." I complained kicking off my heels and picking them up off the floor

"Ok." Louis agreed

He stood up from the couch and I watched him laughing as he took of his pants and shirt leaving him in his boxers. He rolled his pants and shirt up in a ball and threw it at me. I surprisingly caught them and stuck my tongue out at him before walking to the back of the bus dropping Louis' clothes on his bed before walking to my bed and closing the curtain.

I pulled out a pair of fuzzy purple and black poka dotted pajama pants and a white tank top. I threw it on then walked out into the living room taking a seat next to Louis only to find our we were watching Toy Story.

"Really Lou?" I threw my hands up in defeat

"I thought you said you wanted to watch toy story, something about Liam being happy for you about watching it with out him." He smiled playfully

"Grr." I groaned laying my head on Louis' and stroking his smooth chest with my hand.

"I love you." I muffled a whisper

"I love you to my fiancé." He kissed my head "Hmm, I like that, fi-an-ce" he slowly said each word

"Me too." I nuzzled closer to him

I looked up and our eyes locked for a short period of time before out lips took over in a meaningful kiss that go heated quickly. I broke the kiss making Louis moan.

"What was that for?" He whined

"It's late the boys will be back soon." I nuzzled back into his side with my head on his bare chest

"Ok." He groaned

"Love you." I said sleepily

"Love you too." He yawned the next thing I knew Louis' heavily breathing was putting me to sleep.


Comment what you think, Cute or Not?

Please vote and there will be a few more chapters before this story ends, I originally said it would end by the end of October but probably by December instead

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