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After a few weeks of being just friends, Jesse wanted to take his friendship with Beca to the next level. Although that's what he wanted, he wasn't sure it was the right time. Beca had been even more distant and moody then she usually was. Usually, Jesse would be able to figure out the cause. This time it seemed impossible. Chloe had also been trying to figure out what was wrong with her best friend. Chloe knew there had to be something wrong with Beca when it took her the longest to get ready to go to a small acapella party.

"Beca, is everything okay?" The ginger asks when the Bella began walking to the Treble house.

"Yes, Chlo. I'm fine. Why does everyone keep asking me if I'm okay?" Beca asks with an annoyed tone. "I'm getting kind of tired of it. When I say 'I'm fine' I really am."

"Okay, sorry. You've just been acting.. Different." Chloe gives Beca a concerned look as they walk. "You know you can tell me anything. If you need to talk about something that's bothering you I'm here."

"I know. I appreciate it but nothing is bothering me. If everyone would leave me alone about it that would be great." Beca says as they arrive at the Treble house.

A few hours into the party, Beca was already exhausted and was laying stretched out on the couch. She hadn't done much other the dance a little and she was pretty sure she was the only sober one in the house. The strong smell of alcohol filled the air around her when Donald tried offering her a drink. When she didn't take it, he made a scene causing everyone to stop and look at them. "Donald, I said I don't want the damn drink. I have to work tomorrow and I don't want a hangover. Why are you all staring? Go back to your party." Beca gets up and heads outside. She sits on the back porch and runs her hands through her hair. The back door opens and two people sit beside her. With Chloe one her left and Jesse on her right she knew they were about to start drilling her after turning down a drink.

"Beca, you never do that. Tell us what's going on now." Beca sighs and looks over at Chloe. "You're not my mom, Chloe. I don't need to explain everything to you."

"We're trying to help you. Tell us what's going on." Chloe looks at Beca, trying to figure out what's wrong. Beca just ignores her and stares at the sidewalk.

"I'm handling this on my own. I don't need your help. I can handle this. I love you both but you have to back off a little." Beca stands up and goes back into the house. Jesse follows her and gently grabs her arm. "Becs, tell me what's wrong. Is it something that happened with us?"

"Jesus, Jesse! Of course you think it's about you." Beca quickly retorted, causing a look of puzzlement to cross Jesse's face. "Everything is always about you, isn't it? Everything that I do, say, and feel always has to link back to you, doesn't it?"

"What? No, I just..."

"No! Exactly! Just because I'm not in an upbeat mood does not mean that I am dwelling over you! I told you, I'm fine!"

"Beca, I was just trying to help. We're concerned about you. You've been acting weird and distant."

"So because I am distant you all automatically assume that there is something wrong with me? Newsflash, Jesse! This is my usual demeanor!" She turns back around and heads for the exit, Jesse hot on her heels. "Seriously Swanson, fuck off!" She yells, whipping around to look at him. "I don't need you, I never have nor will I. Just leave me alone." With that, she was out the door and headed back in the direction of the Bella house, leaving her two friends in shock as they watched her disappear into darkness. Tears streamed down Beca's face as she ran to the room that she shares with Amy. She slowly lost it, the stress getting to her, and she let herself just cry. She knew it wouldn't help, but she let the tears fall in attempts to release some of the pressure that's been forced onto her. The tears turned black as they rolled down her cheeks as they pulled the mascara with them. "Beca?" A male voice startled her and her head shot in the direction that it had come from.

"Hey Benji. What are you doing here?" She asked softly.

"Em fell asleep, so I put her in bed. Are you crying?" Her head moved in a nodding motion and he slowly stepped into the room. "I've never seen you cry before. Are you okay?"

Her head moved again, this time in the opposite direction. He lowered himself onto the ground next to her, "Wanna talk about it?" A moment of silence passed before she answered, going into hysterics again, "I'm pregnant!"

She dropped into his arms and cried into his chest. "You're pregnant?" He asked, the news coming has a huge shock to him. He always considered her careful in matters of the body.  "Yes!"

"What? But I thought...what? I'm so confused."

"Jesse and I had sex that night we went out. We were drunk and it just happened. Now I'm pregnant." She pulled away and realigned herself. "You're the only one who knows about this. You can't say anything to anybody, Benji. Promise me you won't"

"Beca, you have to tell him. You can only hide it for so long. Eventually you're going to show, and those hormones are going to kick your butt." She gave him a look, finding it weird he knows so much on the topic. "What? My sister had a couple kids. I know stuff."

She shook her head, "I know I have to tell him, and I will. But not yet. I didn't even want to tell you, I just needed someone to talk to. Please Benji, promise me." She begs him.  He scanned her face, feeling sorry for how desperate she was. "Okay, I promise I won't say anything."

"Thank you so much, Benji." She hugs him tight.

"Of course, Bec." He hugs her back. "Just promise you'll tell him before it's too late."

"I promise." Beca said softly before snuggling back up to Benji. Tears continued to fall down her face and soon, small sobs began.

A little while later, a very drunk Jesse shows up at the Bella house and when he gets up to Beca's room he doesn't like what he sees. Could Benji and Beca be having an affair? Is that why she's so distant?  He wonders. He ignores his thoughts and stumbles back to the Treble house.

As he lays in bed his mind wonders back to Beca and Benji. "There's no way they could be together." He says to himself. "Benji and Beca would never work out. I'm Benji's best friend. He would tell me if he had feelings for Beca." He convinces himself that nothing is happening between the two and slowly drifts off to sleep.


A/N What's up weirdos! I know it's been forever since I updated but summer 2016 got to me. I have been super busy. But now that school has started back up updates should be better. I am trying to work writing time into my after school schedule. I might post another update soon but no promises.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Please comment, vote, and PM me if you have any story suggestions! Love you awesome nerds.

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