Countdown, Snow, and Strawberries

55 3 10

Ship: Kei × Rei

Note: As what I said from the previous one, I don't know a lot about Kei, neither the country these characters are in. Pretend there's a country where all of my friends and I were together.

This is... Pretty uncommon. This would not happen in everyone's lives. It's like, a ten percent among people who'll experience this one. Or even a point one percent possibility. Either way, he wouldn't care.

Meaning, why would he care about that topic? That's so cliché and stuff, and he should just brush it off and forget it.

But, no. He couldn't stop thinking about it. It may be out of his character, but curiosity hit him.

Those kind of things may be not true, or just purely coincidental in different angles you look at, but he can sense something. Something didn't came from a coincidence. Something he truly believes isn't fake. Something he really feels so special, as if he need to dig that from the bottom of his heart to realize what he truly feels.

But, at the other side of himself, he started to feel a bit nervous. He still haven't met that someone. Is it a girl? Or a guy? Is he gay, then?

Shaking his head sidewards, as if he's imagining that those thoughts started to fall to the chilly ground of winter. He then looked at his watch, to see that he still has thirty minutes to wait for that someone.

A soulmate.

Yes, cliché indeed. But, in this world, it's how couples were meant to be -- forever. Nothing can break their feelings for each other. They were closed together, by their belief that someday, they can find each other and have a happy life. Once you wasted your time until the deadline,you might be a loner in love life. No second chances, it's now or never.

At this rate, Kei shouldn't even care even the tiniest bit. He could have his 'friends' in his work to be with his side, but no. These opposites Plank and Akaashi were together;  Alejandra and Dilly were also; Timmy and Prel. He swear, he's the only one who doesn't have a partner in his work, not that he cared about that kind of relationship.

Inside, he felt excited. Not that he'll show it with anyone on the streets, probably also waiting for their soulmates until midnight.


Eleven minutes left until he'll meet his soulmate. What would he do, then? By the time has all zeros in it, would he just talk to the nearest person and will just say, "Hey, I'm your soulmate. Are we together now, then?" That's a stupid act.

He's completely panicking right now. What if he hadn't met his soulmate? Will he die until the countdown reached eight zeros? Or will he suffer his life being alone for the rest of his life, being so jealous why people around him had soulmates? What would he do after then?

And, what would he do if he met his soulmate right away? Would he be happy, or not satisfied? What if his soulmate is a guy? Will he accept it?

Either way, he doesn't care about the gender, after all. He wanted to meet his soulmate already, and accept what fate gave him.


Good grief, now he wasted two important minutes thinking so hard about the topic. Thinking so hard as he sighed, he decided to go buy a frappuccino.

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