Part 2

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"The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off."

― Joe Klass, Twelve Steps to Happiness

She looked absolutely distraught. "Sir, an urgent meeting is being held right now", she said fixing her glasses in place. "Now what is all the fuss about. I never called for one to be held", I coldly replied.

"Yes Sir, but the founder did. Apparently forged artwork is being sent through our paintings." I dropped the pen, sending a splash of ink over my white button down. " I will be there in a while as you can see why." She nodded and sped out again. I clenched my fists uncontrollably. All my cahoots were in the department of checking forged art in each museum branch, so one of them must have spilled the beans.

A little look in my(Mr. Anthony's) mind:

 Anthony's) mind:

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I pulled over a brown coat and marched down the hallway towards the meeting room

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I pulled over a brown coat and marched down the hallway towards the meeting room. Voices were heard from the large oak doors and I pressed my ear against it. "I am saddened to say that the rumor of a member of the staff dealing fakes is confirmed to be real. I am glad that we are able to address the situation thanks to the finding made by our junior staff member, Sam", said the founder in his husky voice. I gritted my teeth and now knew the consequence of not giving the traitor his raise in shares. "We have found out who the head of the operation is, in fact it is written in a full length report."

There was a long pause of silence and he continued

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There was a long pause of silence and he continued. "Mary and Anthony, Head Curators of our esteemed museum, you are claimed guilty and of having violated our policies. After all, you two are the only ones in charge of the packaging and transporting of our museum's artwork." I heard the soft cries and pleas of Mary, and I gripped the door handle , imagining the horrible looks thrown at her. I hated the innocent to be treated guilty and it was solely me who fathered the operation.

 I hated the innocent to be treated guilty and it was solely me who fathered the operation

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I opened the door with a heavy heart deciding to face the music. I knew what I was doing was not going to benefit me but at least it wouldn't. After all, the truth had to come out in the end.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2016 ⏰

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