Who is that?

31 4 3

Vision: Wanda would you like to go on a date with me?

Wanda: Sure why not?

Tony: Clint you owe me 5$

Clint: Dammit!

Steve: Did you guys bet That Wanda will go out with vision?

Tony: Yeah

Pietro: Hey don't do that to my sister.

Phil: I would not mind it if I were you Pietro.

Pietro: PHIL!!!!!

Steve: who is Phil?

Bilbo: PHIL!!

Gandalf: Phil Coulson.!

Harley Quinn: Ya know Hon I never thought I'd see ya here.

Phil: Quinn get out of here!

Nick: Phil?

Sirius black: Harry? Are you here?

Harry Potter: Yes

Joker: Why so Sirius?

Batman: Badum Tss!

Joker: Good one Batsy!

Batman: Your not too Bad yourself

Bucky: Steve.

Steve: IM BUSY!

Bucky: Fine

Peggy: Steve Ima go hang out with Pete byeeeee love ya

Peter: I'll take care of her Steve

Loki: Guys can I hang with you?

Peggy: YUS!!! Movie night!!!

Loki: Insidious?

Peggy: Oh yes!

Loki: *Smirks*

Peggy: Let's scare Clint with our names!

Loki: Hahah!!! Brilliant!

?: Tiptoe by the window

??: By the window

?: That is where I'll be

??: Come tiptoe By the tulips

?: with me *Evil echoey girl laugh*

??: Oooh

?: Oh tiptoe By the garden

??: by the garden of the willow tree

?: come tiptoe through the tulips

??: With me

?: Knee Deep in the flowers

??: we'll stray

?: We'll keep the showers away

??: and if I kiss you in the garden

?: In the moonlight

??: Will You Pardon me?

?: And tiptoe through the tulips with me

?: *Evil Girl laugh*

Clint: G-Guys? G-Guys??

???: Tiptoe through the tulips with me

????: Hahahah!! *Evily laughs*

Clint: *Screams like a girl* Ahhhhhh!!!!!

?: easy gurl it's just me Peggy

??: And its me Loki

???: It's Tony

????: it's Nat :)

(lol idk)

Clint: Oh I hate you guys

(This is the More cheery 1)

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