The start

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Hello, my name is mavis,and this is my story.

Two years ago today I was just an eighth grader. No friends just me. I would fantasize in class about my knight in shining armor rather than pay attention. That's just the type of girl I was.

I had many activities outside of school to keep me busy. But my favorite of all, Young Marines.

Once a month I go out to a Marine center with a bunch of other kids, ages ranging from 8 to 18. This was the one place I could be myself.

The Young Marines is a boys and girls group its like the boy scouts for girls to. I have to admit there were some pretty cute boys back then but at the time one caught my eye.

His name was Felix Reidmire. He had dark chocolate brown hair, and these soft blue eyes that were to die for.

I wanted him and I knew it but there was one problem... I'm me. No one in a million years would want to date me.

He's so out of my league. He's in high school while I'm just an eighth grader. He probably has a girlfriend and he's to hot to ever want ugly, nerdy me.

I decided to just lay low and start off like I normally do. I stalked his Facebook. I know what your thinking but not that kind of stalking. I went through all his photos just to look at him, and then save them on my ipod for later. i even went as far as going on his parents Facebook for pictures of him.

I felt like a deranged fan at a Justin beiber concert. I finally decided to take the first step. I said hi. Of course it was on Facebook and not face to face.

One simply little hi was all it. It was all it took to change my life. To better it and make it feel whole.

We would talk and eventually I gave him my number and then we started texting. I felt like even though he was talking to me he only did it out of pity. The only time he would talk to me is if I started the conversation.

He stopped responding to my text. I didn't know why but he messages me on Facebook and informed me that his phone broke.

So i slowly stopped talking to him I wanted to prove to myself that he didn't like so me. I waited for months waiting for him to message me first.

I waited and waited and he never messages me. I was convinced that he would never like me and he saw nothing in me.

And everything special that I felt slowly faded to nothing.

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