Finding My Jedi

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Ezra's POV

I was forced to fly Kaci's ship after she left me. You don't know crippling loneliness, until someone sacrifices themself for you. We were just floating aimlessly in open space, with our air locks connected. Everyone going back and forth from one ship to the other.

Kanan came in and sat down in the co-pilot's seat. I turned to him. "How are you managing what this injection they put in her, is doing?"

"This," He holds up a datapad, with vital signs, tracking, and activity management. "We injected another injection into her one day when you weren't around."

"Where'd you put it? How do you know they won't find it?"

"It's somewhere they won't look." He pauses and looks me in the eyes. "Her hip."

It was idiotic, yet genius at the same time.

Third Person POV

The girl, now known as Lutenient Red, had quickly jumped up the ranks and was Agent White's right hand man. Well, woman. She easily beat everyone in hand to hand combat, target practice, running drills, obstacle course, and inspection. She also quickly picked up on her "manners." At least that's what White called them.

Every morning she woke up and ran inspections in the training yard. Everyone of the privates lined up, while she moved up and down every row to inspect uniforms and posture. Once she finished, she ended the session with her usual chants. Her voice echoing through the whole yard. She walked up to the nearest male soldier. "Private, are you ready to die?" Shouting right in his face.

He shouts back, "Sir, yes sir!"

She always had them call her sir, never ma'am. She moves back to her position in front of everyone. "Are you ready to die?"

The whole yard in sync, "Sir, yes sir!"

"Session dismissed! At ease!"

A quick salute and they all go to their running drills. She went for her early morning target practice. The targets popping up one at a time. She shoots one, takes a deep breath, and shoots the target that spontaneously pops up next.

After she shoots, she meets with White. She enters his office and he jumps up during his meeting and greets her, like a long-lost friend. "Lutenient! Have a seat, we're almost done."

The men he's meeting with disagree. "No, White. We still have other issues to discu-"

"We'll wrap it up quick. Sit Lutenient."

"No, I think I'll stand. I'll be fine."

She stands at the door, arms behind her back, one hand around the other wrist loosely, feet shoulder width apart.

Ezra's POV

"So, do you mind running through that plan again?"

Kanan glares at me. "Ezra, are you even paying attention?"

"I'm trying! Just say my part again and I got it."

"Okay, you go in, no weapons, and get captured."

"That's a bunch of bullshit."

Hera jumps at me. "Ezra! Watch your langu-"

"This is Kaci's ship. I can say what I wish." I argue back at her.

Sabine smiles at Hera. "I like this ship!"

Hera glares at Sabine, shutting her up quickly. I turn back to Kanan. "Why do I have to do this? All I want is the destination, and the destination is Kaci."

"The journey is as valuable as the destination."

"Fine. I'll do it."

I let them leave the Banshee and separate the air locks. We take off back to Lothal. I have a knot the size of a bantha in my throat.

Hera stayed behind and sat in the co-pilot's seat to accompany me. She breaks the silence. "Why do you want Kaci back so bad?"

I come up with a quick excuse. "I love her... and for other reasons."

She looks at me. "I'm no Jedi, but I think I've figured it out. Your body language when we mentioned her being captured. Your hesitation to let her leave. You're going to be parents aren't you?

I sigh, and look at her. "We didn't want anyone knowing."

She practically squeals. "Oh, my! I'm so happy for the two of you!"

I look at her. More serious than ever. "Don't tell Kanan!"

She promises not to, but smiles the rest of the way there.

Third Person POV

After meeting with White, Red went on to hand to hand combat training. Not to be trained, but to train. She enters the training yard, and the first thing she notices is a young boy- no older than eleven- with the collar of his fatigues sticking up.

When she stops the whole yard sighs. They know that means they all have to stand around for another twenty minutes, while she yells at the boy. Just because of one unprepared, little brat they all have to go through another twenty minutes of hell.

None of the soldiers realize it, but they're all under control by a chip. All keeping their usual personality, the only difference is they only listen to orders from two people. White and Red.

Ezra's POV

I landed ten kilometers from the facility that pretty much created hell. As I step off the ramp, my crew follows. I turn to Jaku. "Jak, you're in charge of Mel. Watch after her. Kanan is going to come back and fly you guys out of here."

He responded with a sharp nod. I handed Hera my lightsaber, my life. Kanan and I walk to the gate and confront the first guards we see. Kanan blocks a few shots, then when we've spent to much time here we dropped to our knees and threw our hands up, in "surrender." The guard came to me first and put me in cuffs. Everything's going according to the plan. Perfect. When he moves to cuff up Kanan, he jumps into action. Slashing his lightsaber diagonally across his chest. I watch him as far as I can see him run. Then, he disappears.

The other guard takes hold of me, and leads me through the front. As we walk through the front yard, I notice a soldier, in front of many others, screaming about something. From where I was they looked very feminine. She wore black pants, a red long sleeve shirt, and black gloves.

I couldn't understand what she was saying, but everyone responded in sync, "Sir yes, sir!"


All I know is if I knew that woman, I would not make her mad.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2016 ⏰

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