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Ezra's POV

I looked at Kaci. She had a sincere look on her face. "Kaci, think about this. Are you sure? It might not work out."

"I'm sure. Absolutely sure."

I thought about it. "Maybe."

Kaci looked down and pulled away. She lightly mumbled out, "Okay. We have a mission tomorrow."

"With Kanan?"


She walked into our cabin and closed the door. I went to the cockpit.

3rd Person POV

Kanan's crew woke up early. They were prepared for the mission. They moved quickly to The Banshee. They stepped inside and were greeted lightly by the others.

Ezra's POV

I was sitting in the cockpit, when it got really crowed. My crew, Kanan's crew, what next? Seven Banthas? Twenty Loth Cats? Zeb was missing, though.

Suddenly, Melody came in the room, crying. She pushed her way through everyone, and sat in my lap. "What happened this time?"

"The big man scared me."

I rolled my eyes. "It's okay. He's an old friend of mine. He's the same as Ral. Just... older and larger. He's soft, too. You'll be okay."

Kaci butted into our conversation, "See? You're so good with kids. Why did you just say maybe?"

"I don't want to talk about this right now."

"But, Ezra you need to consider this."


She turned away, and got to work taking off to the other side of Lothal. "What's the game plan?"

She gave me a short, harsh sounding answer, "Supply run."

"Yeah, I got that. What do we do to get the supplies?"

"You, Hera, and I will be here. The rest go to do whatever they need to, to get the supplies. Hera manages the ramp, you have nose guns, and you have to deal with Mel, I will be ready to take off."


We landed, and everyone went to where they needed to be. Melody left to take a nap. We sat in silence, until Kaci brought up her, now favorite, subject. "Ezra, why do you keep saying maybe about having a baby? You keep avoiding the subject."

"I- I don't know. Why do you want to have a baby so bad?"

"We have a short life ahead of us. We need to fill the small quantity of years with a large amount of quality. What do you say?"


"Ugh! All you say is maybe! Nevermind! I never thought you would go along with it anyway."

I looked away. When I did there were three TIES headed our way. I shot down all three. After they were down the remainder of both crews, came running our way.

After the last one loaded up, Kaci took off. We flew back to land next to the Ghost and Kanan's crew left, and I was left alone with Kaci.

She turned to me. "I'm sorry, Ezra. The idea was pointless. There really wasn't a good reason to ask."

"Kaci, I can understand why you want to be a mother, but I'm afraid if something happens it'll break you. Break your heart."

"No it won't. I'll just have to deal with it."

"Here, I'll tell you what. Let's make a bet."

She leaned towards me. "I'm listening."

"If you can give me ten names for each gender of child, the answer is yes. If you can give me five to nine names the answer is maybe. Four and under, no. Deal?"

"I'll take that bet."

We shook on it, and she started thinking of names. I added on to the instructions. "You've got twenty minutes. Start with girls. Go!"

"Faith, Hope, Love, Blossom, Aliyah..."

"Seventeen minutes."

"Mary Jane, Malian, Shania, and..."

"Fifteen minutes."



"It could be a name. Names come out of nowhere sometimes."

"Alright. Starting with boys at fourteen minutes. Go!"

"Tristan, William, Eric, Shane, Andre, Samuel..."

"Ten minutes."

"Andrew, Justin, Logan, and..."

"Oh, no. Five minutes."

I was hoping she would run out of ideas.

"Titan. Yes! I did it! What's your answer?"

She put her hand up to her ear like I was going to whisper it. I'd never seen her this happy before. I chuckled lightly, and pushed back down into her seat. "Fine, yes. But, we are the only ones who know. Until, it's born."

"Deal." We shook hands again.

"You know that means that you will practically be locked up in your cabin until it's born, right?"

"I'll manage."

I kissed the top of her head, like I always used to.

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