Chapter 16

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I woke up and it was the next day. Didn't realize that I was that tired. 

Anyway, Jason and I are going out tonight for some unknown reason. I was fine with just sitting in out room and watching an awesome movie. But Jason seemed to have other plans. We were going after lunch so I knew he wasn't taking me out on a normal date.

I was just released out of the hospital place and was changing into golden colored skinny jeans and a simple grey shirt that was kinda see threw so I put a white tank top on. Then I slipped on my pair of knee high converse and brushed my hair. Lunch had just started but I wasn't hungry. So I stayed up in the room playing on my phone. Temple Run, Subway Surfers, Dots, and even Pocket Ninjas. I looked at the time but sadly didn't have time before there was a knock on the door. I got up and there stood little Logan.

He grabbed my hand dragging me downstairs where Jason was waiting. I saw Jason give Logan five dollars and I couldn't help but laugh slightly. Jason was dressed in a simple black shirt and jeans with his Nike's on. Why though? 

Jason grabbed my hand and lead me to the woods out back. We finally got to an abandoned were house and we walked in. David came over and grabbed Jason and they went off somewhere. I took it upon myself to look around. So I started walking around and eventually came to the center of the were house. There stood a fighting ring. With the chain link fence surrounding it of course. It was about one or two in the afternoon. 

People started to file into the building and Hunter walked over to me.

"What the hell is this place?" I asked Hunter,

"Well it's clearly a fighting ring. Jason's dad wouldn't let him put it in the pack house basement so this was the next best place. We bet people fight we get money." Hunter shrugged.

"And Jason's fighting tonight." I said putting the pieces together.

"He always does the first fight of the night." Hunter nodded, "Fight starts in three minuets." Hunter said as more people piled into the were house. 

Just as Hunter had said three minuets later Jason and some really big guy stepped into the ring. Hunter stood on a table in front of the ring.

"First fight of the night. If you haven't placed your bets then do so now while I'm speaking. We have Jason Reed Vs. Conrad Hale." Hunter said yelling so everyone in the crowd could hear.

 There was cheering around the building and a few boo's at each name. Then the fight started. Conrad took a few hits the face then Conrad punched Jason hard in the ribcage. I heard his ribs crack and he fell to the ground. I growled a little and Hunter looked at me.

"You wanna take his place?" Hunter asked looking at Jason clutching his side.

"Sure." I shrugged.

Hunter got back onto the table as David and Conner helped Jason out of the ring.

"Alright we have someone to fill in for Jason. If you betted for Jason then you still have a chance to win." Hunter said letting me into the ring. 

Conrad  looked at me and smirked.

"Beating up a girl should be fun." He laughed.

"Sorry to say but your about to get your ass handed to you." I growled.

The fight had started. Conrad threw the first punch but I easily dodged it. I quickly punched him in the stomach. He hunched over a little and tried to punch me again and I barley dodged this one. Once more hit that fast and I'm done.

He went to kick me in the side and break my ribs like Jason but I caught his leg and pulled it forward and he lost his balance and fell the the ground. I kicked him in the side once with so much force I heard his ribs crack.

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