Chapter 2

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"Moon. Are you insane?!" Conner whisper shouted at me.

"Nope. And your coming with me." I whispered as I smiled.

"Moon." He sighed.

I looked at him with begging eyes. He sighed in defeat. 

"Fine. When?" He asked.

"Tonight." I smiled.

He nodded and left my room.

So I started packing up some clothes, my phone, charger, headphones, sketch book, and a few other things. By the time my backpack was packed it was about six in the evening. They just finished serving dinner so everyone would be busy. I turned my mind link on with Conner only.

'Conner. Meet me outside my window as soon as your done serving dinner. That's if your still coming along."

'Not gonna leave you Moon'

After that he shut his mind link off. I waited about twenty minuets and he finally was outside my window. I climbed out my window and jumped off the roof landing on the ground below. We both bolted. When we got to the front gate I picked the lock with a bent up paper clip and we both bolted into the woods still in human form. I could sense the pack rushing out to the gate because I did set the alarm off by picking the lock.

Neither Conner or I looked back we just kept running until about midnight. 

We were like lost pups in the woods. I could sense someone near. Couldn't tell if it was werewolves or vampires. But as it drew closer I knew it was a rogue pack.

"Moon. I knew you'd come back. You mother always said you wouldn't return but I knew you would." The voice said.

"Hayden. Dear. Long time since I heard your voice." I snarled.

"Moon." Conner said.

"What?!" I snapped.

"Jason's near." He answered.

"Shit." I muttered, "Hayden get out of here now!" I barked.

"Why? Your little mate gonna come eat me?" He asked sarcastically.

"He's a fucking alpha so yea! I suggest going now if you value your life." I snapped.

My eyes locked with a pair of glowing eyes. I matched the eyes with a big, dark, wolf. Jason. 

He lundged for Hayden but I shoved Hayden out of the line of fire and Jason landed ontop of me. Hayden got one last look at me and ran. I listened to his running footsteps until they became the patter of paws, crunching the leaves as he ran. I listened until the sound disappeared.

Jason went back to human form. Conner had already bolted back to the pack house.

"I like seeing you in this position." Jason smirked.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Your coming back with me. And you have to promise to stop bolting like that." Jason ordered.

"And if I decline?" I asked.

"Then I guess you'll be locked up. And my little Moon. I don't wanna do that." Jason answered.

I sighed. I knew he would chain me to a wall and treat me like a rouge. I've seen it. Being an omega I had to bring food and water down to the rouges. They're actually very  nice but since they try to steal from the pack we are forced to lock them up.

"Fine. But Conner gets treated like a Beta and not an omega." I added.

"No. He's an omega. There for, he'll be treated like one." Jason declined.

The Alpha's Scene Omega (Book 1 of the omega series)Where stories live. Discover now