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The man who called himself Misha shifted his eyes to the door, as if he was ready to bolt, without answering your questions. You could see his inner struggle as he glanced at you, then the door, his hands clenching nervously. You didn't want him to leave, you wanted him to stay, so hopefully you could get some sort of answer. But in the same breath, you weren't sure you wanted that answer. Because of the way Jensen had skirted around it, and now this stranger Misha, you weren't sure you wanted to know.

Trying to pull yourself up so you could see him more clearly, you groaned as your broken arm gave way underneath you, letting you collapse back into bed. The sudden movement jarred your ribs, and you could only lay there, breathing shallowly, waiting for the pain to subside.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Misha asked, rushing towards your side, grabbing your shoulders gently and helping you scoot up until you were a little more comfortable. He stayed by your side, scooting the chair over until he could sit in it but still be in your line of sight.

"I will be. I hate this." You mumbled, frustrated that you couldn't even prop yourself up.

He sighed. "You were just in a car wreck. It's going to take time to heal."

You tried shrugging your shoulders, but the movement had you gasping in pain. "I know, but still." You grumped. But at least he had stayed. "Misha?" You asked him.

"Yeah?" He asked, as his hand slowly inched closer to yours. "What did you mean when you said you shouldn't be here? You just work with my husband, right?"

He dipped his head, avoiding your gaze, giving you the answer that there was more than meets the eye going on. "I probably shouldn't say anything. You and Jensen need to talk first." He tried explaining, but you were done with being tiptoed around, and you wanted answers. If your memories weren't coming back yet, the least you could have were answers. "Please. I hate this, not knowing anything. And the way you're acting, we were more than friends, weren't we?"

"Well I..." He started saying, before he stopped, and stood up, pacing the small floor. "I can't. I already ruined things between you and Jensen once. And now it seems like you have a second chance. I can't ruin it again. I care about the both of you too much." He said, his voice deep with emotion.

"So what? You want to wait, to see if I get my memories back? Then, if I don't, we pretend that whatever it was, it never happened?" You asked, frustration lacing your words.

"Fine, but this is going to come back to haunt me. And I had already started to make things better with Jensen." He growled. "You were happily married to Jensen, when we first met at a convention. I fell for you immediately, the way you stood there, so sweet and beautiful. I didn't know at first you were Jensen's wife, I hadn't had the chance to meet you yet. We talked, and you were so smart, and kind, and I lost my heart to you."

You gasped. You had known it was something like this, but you hadn't quite expected him to declare his love for you this quickly.

He continued. "Then I found out you were already taken. I tried to stay back, but every time I saw you, it was as if there was this magnetic force between us, and I couldn't seem to help myself. I was drawn to you, and I did things I was not proud of. After each touch, each kiss, I would go home, and kick myself for feelings this way, for pushing things. I knew it was going to hurt my relationship with Jensen, but I couldn't seem to control myself."

"Then what? Something big must have happened for you and Jensen to act this way. Did I choose you?" You whispered, not sure you wanted to hear the answer.

He sat down then, his head hanging in his hands, and you couldn't make out his words. You softly asked him to repeat his words. "Something big did happen. We met one morning, while Jensen was with Jared. I told you how I was feeling, gave you a choice. You chose Jensen. I knew you would, and I don't blame you for it. But every night I go to bed, wishing you had chosen me." He said, his voice thick with emotion, his eyes when he gazed up at you shimmering with unshed tears.

You were frozen, unable to speak, or move. It was exactly what you hadn't wanted to hear. You hated the fact that the previous you, the one you can't remember, seemed to have toyed with these men's emotions, and might have ruined your relationship with both.

"Can you tell me what happened next?" You asked him.

"Sure. Jensen came home, just as I gave you a goodbye kiss. He saw it, assuming the worst. The two of you got in a fight, and he left. You've been apart ever since, and he hasn't talked to me. Until the day of your accident I cornered him in his trailer, not letting him go until he heard the truth." He admitted.

You could only sit there, letting all of this new information sink in, wondering what you were going to do with it. You knew for a fact you couldn't look at Jensen the same way now.

Misha stood, his hands in his pockets, his shoulders slumped. "Listen, I shouldn't have come, and I'm sorry I even told you all of this. Please know, I still love you, but I promise I won't come between you and Jensen again. I value our friendship too much. But maybe, one day, you and I can become friends."

"I would like that." You told him, giving him a soft smile as he left the room. As soon as he was gone you leaned back, exhausted from all the emotions running through you. Sleep came immediately, and you welcomed it, not ready to contemplate all you had just learned.


The next time you woke the room was dim. The lights were off, and the shades were open, showing the sun slowly setting. You could just barely make out a figure in the seat next to your bed. His long, lean body was slumped down, his head resting in his hand as he watched you. You should have considered it creepy, but you felt comforted by the fact that Jensen cared enough about you that he would sit in a darkened room making sure you were okay.

"Hi." You whispered, your voice already going thick with emotion at the thought of what you had put this man through. You might not remember him, or remembered why you loved him, but from his care and concern now, you were already falling in love with the man once again.

"You're awake!" He exclaimed, sitting forward, taking your hand in his own. "How are you feeling?"

"A lot better. I can't wait to get out of here." You admitted, giving him a bright smile to punctuate your words.

"Good. How was your day? Hopefully much better than mine. I had to spend it next to Jared, and he was super gassy today." Jensen told you, standing up to turn the lights on.

"Leave them off. Please." You pleaded, not wanting to see his face when you talked to him. Not yet.

"Okay." He answered, a little puzzled, but willing to grant your request.

You took a deep breath, knowing you wanted to get this over with.

"Jensen, I had a visitor today." You started.

"Well, that's good. Isn't it?" He replied quickly, not seeing what the problem was.

"Usually. But this visitor. He told me some news, told me what I did before my accident. And how can you even be sitting in the same room with me after what I did to you. Why don't you hate me?" You sobbed, your emotions taking over your words.

Wrong Or Right (Jensen X Reader & Misha X Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz