7|The Underworld

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"The original bad boy doesn't fancy hanging on to his history."

7| The Underworld

Doubtful of Arsen's warning, I don't tell dad anything.

Since the diner's private property, no one can enter it without permission.

The night passes cautiously with me twisting and turning in bed for countless hours before actually falling asleep. As usual, Mom wakes me before she leaves and I hurry up getting ready. On my way, I encounter Arsen's gang hanging out in a side corner near the school gates. Most of them have a cigarette hanging out of their mouths. I see Arsen busy with a random girl, both of them exploring each other's face quite carefully. Turning away in disgust, I attempt to hurry.

"Yo Val, hold up," one of the guys call after me.

Afraid, I stop dead in my tracks. If I didn't, they'd attack me during school or worse, at the new diner. Pivoting on my feet, I meet everyone's eyes and pretend I'm a confident person.

"Yes?" I say, not knowing who actually called my name.

One of the guys, Leo (I remember him from Freshmen orientation where he smoked openly in the school auditorium) raises a slight hand to indicate he's talking. How does he even know my name?

"Were you at that Downtown Diner yesterday night?" My heart drums against my chest and I don't know how to respond. These guys are lawbreakers. "I feel like I saw you come out of that run-down place." What will they do if I say yes? For some reason, my eyes flicker to Arsen who has finally stopped, kissing and flirting with the raven haired girl.

Arsen's expression gives away nothing, but I see him shake his head slightly.

Is that a hint?

"No," I reply to Leo.

"You sure?" he asks again and this time, his friends sigh in irritation.

One of them teases, "You can't find any other way to pick up a chic?"

"Dude, out of the entire female population school, you chose Cruz?" Arsen asks as if I'm not even there. "The dainty flower? She can't even walk or stand without falling." My cheeks burn and all I want to do is slap the cigarette out of his mouth. The only reason why I fell in Gym class was because he swept me off my feet!

Leo rolls his eyes at the guys and gestures me to move on.

Jumping on the opportunity to leave the ruthless rebels, I speed down the sidewalk to the main building. These people are insane and falling into their messy lives isn't something I desire. As a matter of fact, I'm surprised to even find them close to school. On most days, they skip classes and don't give a damn.

I wonder how they'll pass.

Who cares?

The day follows through quite smoothly, elevating my dread every second. The gym class self-defense lessons are still in session. For our last period, Isa and Danie meet me in the girls' locker rooms.

"So, I was thinking we should go shopping for decorations," Danie says. "If your dad's cool with it."

"What?" I ask in confusion.

"For the diner, Val," Isa explains, "there needs to be more contemporary stuff or at least a more contemporary theme. WWII is definitely not trending nowadays."

Danie and I chuckle.

"Sounds valid. I'll talk to dad about it and see whether or not he wants to invest any more money into that lowly--I mean lovely place," I inform. Although I act chill about the plans, a part of me cools in relief at not going to that place, today. We'll simply spend time at the mall. As for dad, I probably should warn him about sketchy people hanging in the back alley of the diner.

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