7|The Underworld

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"Today's race?" I repeat.

"There's another race--a bigger one--happening in like an hour at the nearest park-jungle area," he confirms. "I have a friend who gives me the information about that."

"That explains why Arsen's gang didn't show up to any classes," Isa says randomly.

She's right about that. Maybe dirt biking's one of the reasons why Arsen and his friends skip school so often. Who knows? Since Ben acknowledged a race happening, my mind flew to the winner. At the last race, the announcer established that Arsen always wins. But why does he even participate? For money?

My ex friend has completely adjusted to the dark side.

Nevertheless, why am I even concerned?

"Whatever. Who cares?" Danie shrugs. "All I know is that the dirt biking cost you your leg, Ben. It could've been worse." The rest of us watch her drone on about the dangers of such illegal activities and how afraid she has been for Ben. Although her worry sounds legitimate, we can't help but smile.

In the near future, I can see Ben and Danie being a thing.

His feelings are obvious while hers are clearing up.

"You know what?" Danie snaps finally. All of us tense seeing her rage overtake her face, out of nowhere. "I don't want Arsen to win in the race, today! He needs to learn a lesson about sportmanship and humanity."

"What do you mean?" Isa asks on everyone's behalf.

"Let's steal his bike, so he can't participate," she grins evilly.

"I can't even steal a chocolate covered strawberry without getting caught let alone stealing a vehicle that none of us know how to drive," I say.

"Technically, I know how to drive a bike," Ben says, though seeing our eyes flicker to his broken leg, he adds, "Not that I'm of any use. You three shouldn't mess with those hooligans either." He sighs, putting aside the ice cream container. "Arsen's crowd isn't especially something to involve ourselves into. I'm damn sure they're connected to the underworld."


"Like Hades?" Isa jokes.

Ben rubs his temple and shakes his head. "Crime and other illegal matters."

"How about we kidnap his bike and return it after the race?" Danie suggests, still stuck to avenging our best friend. It sounds harmless, but after last evening's and this morning's encounter with Arsen, I'm not too keen on jumping to kidnapping. "C'mon, the worst that can happen is Arsen sheds tears."

Isa, Ben, and I scoff.

"Sign me up," Isa says excitedly. Though her ice cream has been long gone, she licks her any remaining bits in her cup. "Only to see Arsen's reaction."

"I'm in," I agree hesitantly. It's my turn to scare Arsen and frustrate him out of his mind, after all the dilemmas and scares he put me through. My ice cream pretty much melted during my busy chatting. What a waste.

"If you guys do anything like that, I won't talk to you ever again," Ben warns.

"Fine," Danie groans.

Isa and I exchange suspicious glances at our hard-headed friend who easily complied to Ben. On the contrary, Ben sits pleased by Danie's words.

Danie checks her phone and announces her mom's home, so she has to leave. Since she is our ride, Isa and I bid our goodbyes to Ben.

The three of us gather our stuff and reassure Ben we won't do anything stupid.

In our car ride, Danie keeps a steady control of the car while following directions to somewhere on her phone. Not even five minutes pass and I figure our driver isn't headed to drop us off.

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