Team 8 and Team Kakashi

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I could have stopped myself when an idea appeared. I let myself continued to skid back, reaching the forest line. I jumped up to my feet, dodging left when Hinata threw another hit. "Whew! You got better." I laughed out. Hinata sent me a tiny smile. "As did you." The light conversation blew away in the wind, to reveal the now determined face of Hinata and myself. I raced towards her, aiming a punch that she barely dodged by leaning back. 

She retaliated by kicking me. Instead of blocking I took the kick, getting flung deep in the forest. I landed on my feet, wobbling to regain balance. Good, now I have the time. Hurrying, I summoned up Hana. "Akisha-Sama! Is there something you need?" She asked, almost surprised. Not that I blame her, I don't summon her too often. "Hana I need you to Henge into me! Keep Hinata busy, do not actually harm her!"

Hana nodded sternly, smoke suddenly appearing around her, leading up in the air and then leaving for me to see a perfect clone of myself. I nodded, an approved look on my face. "Very nice." Hana cocked a grin, before looking off to the right. "Shall I go?" I nodded again. "Remember not to speak, you don't sound like me." Hana took off after that last bit of advice. I spun around, looking up in one of the trees. "Now Keio, do the same as Hana." Keio jumped down from his hiding spot, a curved smile on his face. "Oh Kitten, you spotted me? Damn, here I thought I could enjoy the show." I crossed my arms. "Now Keio. Remember, try using the same amount of chakra as me so you can fool her." Keio sighed, smoke appearing around him to then reveal a clone of myself. "GAH-KEIO-THAT'S NOT FUNNY!!" I yelled in a hushed whisper, sheilding my eyes from my own body. "What? If you're naked then it should distract-" "KEIO!"  "Fine." 

He poofed in to a clone of myself, with clothes this time. I sighed at the cat. "Now then, your job is a bit different, I want you to act like me in hiding, coming out when I yell OUCH just like that." Keio, or 'me' titled his head.  "And where exactly do I hide Kitten? Hiding from Byakugan is a bit different than a normal ninja." I looked down at the ground, then back to him. "Well if you conceal your chakra for the most part and hide underground... Heh?" Keio sighed once again. "...I'm only going underground because that's easiest with my earth chakra nature, if I didn't have earth than I would not be doing this." I rolled my eyes. "Stop being so scared to get dirt-" He glared, silencing me. Wow, my glares are actually scary? 

He performed a small jutsu, opening the earth and proceeded to hide within it. I ran towards the line of the forest where it met the training grounds. Hana and Hinata still fighting closely, but you could tell Hana was playing it safely. Kiba, Akamaru, and Shino watching, highly interested. I dug within my pouches, praying that I had the scroll with me. 

Ah! Found it. I smiled, pulling out the trusty scroll. I rolled it out, summoning the puppet, Sutinga. "It's been awhile, my friend." I whispered, touching the smooth iron of it. "I'll only use you for a bit." 

I connected the chakra strings and forced some chakra to my eyes, enhancing my vision. I jumped back, pushing myself deeper in to the forest again, by Keio's hiding spot. My eyes searched to the front, still able to see Hinata and Hana due to the chakra. The chakra strings of Sutinga should get Hinata to come straight here. I lifted my hands, making Sutinga jump out on to the concentrating Hinata, she saw a bit too late, getting knocked back. 

Kiba stood up, pointing at it. "Hey! Hey! Where the hell did th-" "Shut up and watch, Kiba." Shino silenced the loud boy making him grumble a bit, sitting back down. Hinata hopped back up to her feet, staring at Sutinga and 'me' confused. She reached a verdict, pointing towards 'me'. "You're not Akisha." Hana smiled, poofing back in to her cheetah form. "Well done! It was hard making my chakra like Akisha's, you know." Shino looked down curiously, at least I think curiously. "Who are you?" "I am Hana." "That's my sister's name.." Kiba mumbled, not too interested by a feline. "It's a small world, bye now." Hana poofed away, leaving everyone to stare back at Sutinga. I made the puppet snap one of it's scorpion claws, almost to say, 'you got me'. 

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