Chapter one.

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"I hate you," I grumbled slipping on my sneakers, "Why would you do this to me?"

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"I hate you," I grumbled slipping on my sneakers, "Why would you do this to me?"

"You're being dramatic, plus you were going to make us late for school." Ash grinned picking up my backpack from the floor.

"So? My sleep is needed or else I'll be grumpy all day and you'll be the one to deal with me." I said opening my bedroom door and walked downstairs into the kitchen.

"I've dealt with your mood swings, attitudes and weird cravings for a year, I'm pretty sure I can handle today," he teased, following me into the kitchen.

"Whatever," I said, "where's my mum?" The kitchen was empty, except for two covered plates resting on the counter. I grinned, lifting the cover of one; bacon and eggs. Well, at least I knew my mom was here. I picked up a strip of bacon, watching its crispiness, savoring its beauty. I was about to take a bite of it, when it disappeared from my sight.

"Were you even listening to me?" Ash stated chewing on my piece of bacon, mine! "I'm not even going to tell you where your mom went, do you even realize that we are extremely late for school now; we're part of the student council, who are supposed to reach early to assist the new students but we're still at home." He looked so adorable rambling, his hair messy from the amount of times he passed his hands through it.

"Babe, chill, we'll reach in time, just give me a sec okay?" I took a small container from the cupboard, placing the food in it, then I shut the lid. "Good, let's go, we can eat in the car." I followed him as we walked out the door. I entered the passenger side, waiting on Ash to start driving.

"How many new students are there for this year?" he asked, while driving out into the main road. I shoved a piece of bacon in his mouth, grinning when he licked my fingers.

"I think three, two boys and a girl," I stated. Since we were part of the student council, we were assigned to helping out the new students learn their way around. We were assigned to the girl while other people were assigned to the guys. "I think her name is Maria Rosario."

"At least you read the sheets they sent us," he stated glancing at me as I stuck my tongue out at him. I don't really read it; I just listen to what Ash tells me when we go to the meetings. The only reason we were assigned to the student council was because this girl asked Ash for his number right in front of me and then called me his sister.

How stupid was she? Ash was fair-skinned, while I had an olive skin tone and we did not look alike. When she said that, I just punched her, she deserved it and then I was assigned to the student council by the principal instead of detention and then I convinced Ash to join.

Ash pulled into the school, parking in a random spot. We both got out and he walked around to hold my hand as we walked towards the entrance.

"Did Jade and Ryan reach as yet?" I asked since I didn't see their car in the parking lot. Usually Jade was the first to reach, but as we walked through the doors, they weren't even there waiting for us. Jade and Ryan are siblings and our best friends. I met them two years aback when Ash transferred to this school and that's also how I met him.

I went to the library to look for a book, and couldn't reach it and there were no ladders around so I took a broom from the supply closet and was pushing it so it could fall out to the other side. Sadly, I didn't check to see if anyone was there, and the book fell and hit Ryan. He screamed so loud that we got kicked out of the library and his two friends came with him, Jade and Asher; and well after that we became friends.

"They're probably in class, hanging out since they reached early," he grumbled as we walked out towards the administration office. I pushed opened the doors walking towards Mrs. James, the school's receptionist.

"Good morning Mrs. James, did a Maria Rosario checked in as yet?" I asked her smiling. She was the nicest receptionist the school has ever had. My mom said that the one she had was horrible.

"Not as yet doll, is she the new student?" she asked, pushing her glasses up on her head. She was really young, well compared to how other school receptionists are. Our councilor was young too; the student council actually convinced the principal that staff members who were closer to our age would relate better to us. They had this long presentation during the school assembly. Sadly, I hadn't join as yet, I think I would have a done a good job at helping.

"See, she's not here as yet, but you were annoyed at my tardiness," I told Ash shaking my head at him. I turned back to Mrs. James, telling her that indeed she was a new student. She asked a few more questions then directed us to the chairs across from her. I sat down, with Ash sitting next to me. He leaned back closing his eyes, his arm resting on the back of my chair. I snuggled into him, resting my head on his neck and pulled out my phone to text our friends on the group chat.

I looked up when the office doors banged against the door loudly, seeing a girl walk in

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I looked up when the office doors banged against the door loudly, seeing a girl walk in. She had long, straight, blonde hair and she was dressed in a pink jacket, white top, black jeans, and heels. Compared to her, I looked ugly, with my normal black jeans and jacket and my black sneakers.

I glanced towards Ash to see him sleeping still, I nudged him, yet he won't wake up. I groaned knowing he sleeps heavily. I grabbed his arms, shaking him roughly; he jumped, swatting me on my boobs, as he looked up startled. I giggled at his confused expression. He turned towards me, realizing I'm the culprit, he glared at me.

Ash opened his mouth, but then his gaze switched to behind me.

"Oh, this is why I was waking you, I think that's her." I stated, turning around to watch her, she was talking to Mrs. James. "She's beautiful," I murmured, watching her hair shine against the light.

"Yeah," Ash said, his gaze fixated on her still.

"Yeah," Ash said, his gaze fixated on her still

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2017 ⏰

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