"I've been super emotional lately. Like everything has been making me cry. I've been wanting hot dogs so bad and Andre has been trying to get me off the crack since I'm eating almost two packs a day. I went into the refrigerator last night while Andre was at work and there was only one hotdogs in there and I just busted out crying for no damn reason. I don't know if it was because the hotdogs where basically gone or what. But I called Andre and told him to bring me some after work and he didn't. He was so wore out from working all night he forgot to stop at the store. That crushed me and I started crying all over again. These weird cravings have been kicking my ass on top of it so I've been driving Andre crazy with all my damn food demands."

"At least you can eat food. My ass is stuck eating oatmeal, sandwiches, and drinking cranberry juice. And the smell of Rico's Cologne makes me sick. I used to spray it on my shirts while he was at school, I did it the other day and I had to throw the shirt in the hamper and air the room out. Every time I smell it I get instantly sick."

"That's how I am with laundry detergent. I have to buy this expensive shit that's odorless to keep from throwing up everywhere." Corey said rubbing her huge stomach. She's having twins. She has a twin sister, her mom and her brother so having twins run in her family. I can't imagine having two babies at once.

"Y'all making me not want any kids." Demetri said taking my glass from me and taking a few sips.

I dusted the crumbs off my shirt and leaned back against the head board. "If you do. Do it when your ready. Because let me tell you, shit gets real different. I got a stretch mark up my stomach that itches like hell. " I pulled up my tank top and showed her.

"Damn." She touched it and shook her head. "Uh uh I can't do it. I'll just live through you. The whole baby thing isn't for me. I worked to hard on my body to let a baby coming ripping out of me."

"Hopefully you won't get pregnant with twins, that's two times you have to go through labor. I'm trying to get a c-section and be done with it. My brothers wife when she had hers she had one and then another one six hours later. Good forbid that happens to me.... But anyway you got some pickles?"

I shook my head with a smile. "Yeah. Bring the jar up here."

She rolled off the bed to her feet and waddled out the room.

Kara shook her head. "I can't wait til all the babies get here. I'm ready to see what they're all gonna look like."

"Me too. I think I wanna wait to till I'm actually giving birth to find out if it's a girl or a boy. Maybe the baby had its back to us because it wants it to be a surprise."

"Oh! We could through you a gender reveal at the baby shower." She said sitting up quickly.

"What the hell is that?" I asked turning the TV on.

"You get the paper at the doctors when it's time to find out the gender and you give us the papers so you and Rico don't know and then at the baby shower we could fill a black balloon with pink or blue confetti and when you pop it the color of the confetti is the gender of the baby. You can do it a lot of different ways. I saw one on instagram where a couple were at a baseball stadium and the guy pitched the ball and when she hit it blue sand fell out."

"That is some corny ass shit." I said flipping through the channels.

She smacked her lips. "No it's not."

"The Balloon sounded cute but if you do it don't do no corn shit. I'm pretty sure Ric will like the idea though."

"So we can do it?" Demetri asked.

"Yes but let me talk to my man first just incase." They got the squealing and shit like they always be doing.

Demetri came back up with the pickle jar. "What I miss?"

"They're trynna do a gender reveal thing at my baby shower. And I'm letting you niggas do it." I took the jar and reached in and took one out.

"Awwww. Yay! I wish I was doing that."

"Why aren't you?" I asked holding the pickle in between my index finger and thumb.

"Because I already know it's two girls. My sister had two girls. My mom obviously had me and my sister. My brother has two girls. My aunt has five girls. Boys just don't run in my family. My parents were lucky they got my brothers."

I looked at Kara. "How much you wanna bet she has boys?"

"I got fifty on it. I think she's having girls."

"Me too." Demetri said.

"Y'all gonna lose." I said biting into the pickle.

"No they're not because I'm right. My next doctor's appointment is next week and I want you all to be there."

"Get y'all money ready. Cause I know I'm right." I sat sitting criss cross on the bed.

"Uh uh. Don't get to comfortable. Rico texted me and told me to get you out the house today." Kara said.

"For what?" I asked biting off another piece of my pickle.

Rico ass always trynna do some shit.

"That's what he told us. He gave us a list of places he wants us to take you." Demetri said.

"Ugh! Why? I just wanna lay in bed til he gets home?"

"Stop your complaining. And go get ready." Kara said taking the remote from me and turning the TV off.

I finished my pickle and got out the bed and went to the bathroom.


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