Chapter 4. Nightmares

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The next few days went pretty well in your opinion. Despite your best efforts Bucky still hadn't said much to you. He continued to insist on doing chores around the house. He even started getting up in the mornings with you and helping keep the farm in shape. With the money Sam had brought you had planned on hiring back one of your farmhands. But at the moment Bucky was help enough to keep the farm rolling.

Sammy had decided that Bucky was his new best-friend and had taken to following him everywhere, much to Bucky's dismay. He had even stopped sleeping with the horses so much so he could lay outside Bucky's door all night. In the morning Bucky would sigh and step over the sleeping dog. Sammy would immediately wake up and follow you both all day. At dinner he would sit under the table on Bucky's feet. You found the whole situation hilarious, contrary to the super soldier. But despite the annoyance of Sammy, Bucky seemed to be getting used to living under your roof. You weren't worried until the nightmares began.

You had jumped out of your bed as soon as you heard the scream. Tears immediately welled in your eyes as memories flowed through at the sound of it. You quickly shook off your own emotions sprinted out of your room and down the hall. The screams coming from Bucky's room brought back a persistent deja-vu that you tried your best to ignore. Everything was eerily similar. The room, the screaming. Sammy whimpered and paced in front of the door, looking up at you with sad eyes.

"Its okay Sammy, go lay down." You gestured to the living room and he walked away sadly with his tail between his legs. You opened the door to Bucky's room slowly and were met with another scream. Bucky was sitting up in bed, clutching a pillow so tightly you thought it would break. His eyes were open but it was clear he was not awake. His focus was on the wall in front of him.

"NO!" He screamed clutching the pillow even tighter. His eyes were open in complete fear. You stepped a bit closer to him with your hands up.

"Bucky? Its (Y/N)" You stepped lightly toward him.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" The pillow tore with a loud rip. If he knew you were there he made no motion to acknowledge you.

"Bucky calm down, its just a dream." Against your better judgement you pressed a hand on his human shoulder. Immediatly his metal arm snatched your wrist and began twisting it behind your back. "AH Bucky please! Youre hurting me!" The pain was excruitiating and you felt like your arm was on fire. You looked into Bucky's eyes and saw as his pupils started to grow and he blinked into reality. Horror crossed his face as he realized what he was doing.

Your arm was released and you collasped on the ground in surprise. You immediately grasped your arm in an attempt to cease the pain. You hadn't realized how strong his metal prosthetic was until you experienced it first hand. Sharp pain coursed through your wrist and shoulder.

Time stood still as both you and Bucky stared at eachother. Your face was in utter shock and you didn't know what to say or how to react. His eyes met yours in fear and disbelief.

Finally he jumped up and crouched next to you. His once blank stare was full of fear. You had never seen so much emotion on his face before. He alternated between looking up at your face and down at your injured arm. At one point he looked at his metal arm in anger. Finally he started speaking in a slur of apologies.

"I'm so sorry I'm so sorry Im-so-sorry." His hands hovered above your injured arm like he was afraid to touch you again. His hair was clinging to his forehead with sweat and his bare chest was breathing quickly. He sounded completly hysterical. You gently put a hand on his metal shoulder.

"Its okay, you were having a nightmare. It's okay." He looked up at you but wouldn't meet your eyes.

"I shouldn't be here." He spoke at almost a whisper. "I'm a danger." You shook your head quickly.

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