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It was a man, a white and rotting man with a mangled body that looked like he had once been a dog's chewtoy staring at me. I was too in shock to even raise my weapons. He stared at me for just a moment and then...flicked off the light. I screamed. I'm not even ashamed to admit it. I screamed and bolted. I didn't care of that was where been standing. I ran right past where I had seen him, swinging my bat like a madman. I nearly put a hole in the hallway as I ran through into the safe light of the hall. I turned to look back then, just in time to see him once again near the hall's light switch. He turned that one off too. By then, I didn't want to fight. I wanted to be safe. I burst past the living room and into the brightness of my kitchen.

I heard the sound of growling and scratching nearly all around me then and I knew he was coming back. I looked back to once again see that mangled and rotten corpse of a man turn off another light with a broken finger and plunge me into terrifying darkness. I broke for the living room.

This was going to be my final stand. I'd have to fight here. I drew close to the standing lamp that was my last line of defense. It hated the dark so I'd stay right here. Next to this comforting standing lamp. I waited for it to turn off never did. I looked around and...quiet. Nothing but quiet. I turned then to look at that saving grace of a lamp that refused to yield. I started to find myself laughing, a crazy but ALIVE laught and I thought I'd finally be ok. Stepped closer and I swear I almost hugged that lamp.

DarknessDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora