The Story

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You may not know much about me, but I am Lady Montague, mother of Romeo, and wife to Lord Montague. I am the Lady behind the curtains who dies to see beyond the physical realm of this story. I am here to tell you my side of the story, of how my son fell in love with the lovely Juliet, and died with her in the Capulet's tomb. No one really knows how this story went, but I am here to tell you how it did go. I will start from the beginning of when it happened.

I live in Verona with my husband, Lord Montague, and my son, Romeo. We run the house of Montague under the Prince of Verona's rule. Our neighbors the Capulets, have been our enemies for a long time. It wasn't always like that though, we were once peaceful neighbors. Our two families would have parties every week with each other before the feud started.

You may ask "How did this family feud start?", well it started with me. One day I was out at the market and I met a kind, handsome man named Reghart. We spent lots of time with each other not knowing who our families were or who was married. One day I woke up realizing I had just had an affair with him. We stopped seeing each other and went on with our lives. Later I found out that he was Lord Capulet, married to Lady Capulet! I also found out I was pregnant with his child. I did not tell my husband that it wasn't his. Lord Capulet found out it was his child and he told me to take care of him, and not tell a soul it was his. After Romeo was born, Lord Montague, my husband found out and went out to get revenge. He tried to kill Lord Capulet that day and since that day we have been rivals. Only Lord Capulet, Lady Capulet, Lord Montague, and I know that Romeo and Juliet are half siblings. When Tybalt killed Mercutio, and Romeo killed Tybalt, I knew something had happened with Romeo and the Capulet family, but I did not know what. I was heartbroken when the Prince banished my poor son. When Juliet died I was devastated that Romeo would never know his half sister. I was under so much grief I couldn't think. Then the day came when I died of my broken heart. As my spirit watched life in Verona go on, I saw my son go to Juliet's tomb and kill Paris then go into the tomb heartbroken. It was then I realized he was in love with Juliet. All along he was in love and no one knew it! When he drank the poison I wanted to tell him not too, but I couldn't. Then Juliet woke up, and when she fell into tears because he was dead, I was devastated because of what my actions caused. The next day the two families brought Romeo and Juliet to the Prince to grieve, but the Prince had no sympathy for them. When the Friar told them of what had happened, I was overwhelmed in death. I would have never thought that my poor Romeo would have fallen in love with his half sister Juliet.

I would have done anything to stop this from happening. I regret meeting Lord Capulet that day at the market. I wish I wouldn't have had an affair with Lord Capulet. I never wanted to have Romeo and Juliet die in the tomb of the Capulet's. I wish there was a way to change things.

The purpose of me telling you this is not to rewrite the story, but to help you better understand it. People's actions do make a difference as mine did in this story. Romeo and Juliet will be an unforgettable memory for both families. And now it is time for me to depart from here, and time for you to make the memory live forever.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2016 ⏰

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