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Welcome to another Michifer oneshot. It is written in a separate pov, so... Sorry if you don't like it. Hope you enjoy , idgits.

Sam's pov
I was walking along the California beach by the motel we were at when I saw them. I would recognize them anywhere. Lucifer. And he was holding hands with Michael. Woah. Wait. What?! Oh my Chuck, Gabe would want to hear about this. I called him down. "Heya, Samsquatch. What's up?" I smirked slightly as I pointed out the surprisingly adorable couple. "Michifer is canon. And I wanna hang around until they kiss." He quickly agreed and materialized popcorn for each of us. We watched them as they acted like a normal couple. Destiel joined us at some point, Gabe creating more popcorn for them. They watched Michael laugh at Lucifer and 'Luce' pushed 'Mike' into the waves. Mike came up spluttering. "To quote our younger brother, 'you assbut.'" They laughed along with us as Cas blushed. Then Mike smirked and pulled Luce into the waves with him. Luce shrieked before he and Mike sat in the waves laughing. They swam, they splashed water at each other, and just had fun while the others just awwed and thought Michifer was adorable. And then it was sunset. By this point, all three couples were in the water, and just happened to be the only ones there. That's when it happened. They were staring at the colours of the sun and each looked to their angel/ archangel/ human soulmate. And each of the three couples kissed, before Satan pushed him and Michael into the water again. Gabe pulled Sam on top of him, before they and Michifer pulled the still kissing Destiel into the water with them. They were all happy hunting together till the end of time.

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