Chapter 4: Too Long

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It's amazing how love can really bring out the best in someone. And I'm not saying the love of my kids wasn't enough, they were the only two people in this world helping me get through that rough two years. But when Harry left, everyone started leaving it seemed. My mom left, my best friend left, Liam left and he was like a brother to me. Perrie never came around anymore because her and Zayn ended things and so I just started growing distant from a lot of the people I loved. 

So when my computer and phone start ringing with a facetime from Harry, me and my kids sprint to wherever the ringing from the laptop is coming from. "Daddy's calling!" Riley screamed and all of us ran to the computer that was sitting on the couch. 

I hit the answer button and pulled Alfie into my lap as Harry popped up on the screen, "hey loves." He smiled and my heart melted. 

"Daddy!" Riley squealed, getting all up in the camera. Harry laughed and I pulled her back into me. 

"Riley stop!" Alfie yelled, pushing his sister back too. 

Harry laughed and told them to get along and they listened to him, they always listened to him for some reason. "How are you guys?" he asked, looking between Alfie and Riley. 

"Good, we miss you daddy," Riley said. 

"I miss you too," he frowned. "But I'm coming home in a few days so don't worry," he smiled at Riley. "How is school Alfie?" he asked. 

Alfie smiled, "it's fun," he said. Alfie was a little more reserved than Riley. 

Harry talked to the kids for a few more minutes then told them to go run around and play cause he needed to talk to me. So I smiled and grabbed the headphones, plugging them into my computer. "Jesus christ Brooklynn, I miss you so much," he said, sighing. 

I laughed, me being so reserved and standoffish with Harry was really frustrating me so we ended up having phone sex a few times since I mean.... it's been two years and then I didn't take advantage of him when he was here so now we are both sexually frustrated. 

"You'll be home in a few days," I said, repeating his words. "How did your little chat go?" I asked him. 

"It was good," he nodded. "So they found me a new manager, over there, and I'm gonna be writing songs and music for other artists. That way I'm still doing what I love but I'm with the people I love and I don't have to leave you guys. I may have to go on some trips but, you can come with me," he smiled. 

I bit my lip and smiled, "That'd be fun. We need to take the kids to see your mom," I said, hinting that the kids need to be taken on a trip to the UK. 

Harry's face lit up when I said that, he loved his home. "Yeah! That would be fun; so, how is the house thing going?" 

"It's up on the market, the kids have been helping me pack things up and I've been talking to the realtor. We may have to stay with Jett for awhile but we can manage. We have a meeting with her to go look for houses like the day after you get back," I said, catching him up. I've put our house up on the market, so it's time to go looking for our house. 

"Okay," Harry smiled, smiling at me as if it's the last time he'd ever see me. "I love you babygirl," he said, "but I have to go, duty calls," he sighed. 

I frowned, "Okay love you," I said and blew him a kiss through the screen and then we hung up. I shut my laptop and got up to find my kids. 


Riley, Alfie and I were laying on the couch, I was holding both of them in my arms while we watched Despicable Me. I loved days like these, just laying on the couch, on a quiet weekend with my two babies. And then suddenly the door started opening, "who is that?" Alfie looked back at me and asked. 

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