The Twist

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I walked back into the locker room, dripping with mud. I leaned my Firebolt 2004 against the lockers and dropped my bat on the bench.

"That was such a great game!" Our team captain, Scorpius, said. "We're sure to win the cup!"

"There's no way Gryffindore can win, especially with Potter out for the season," Angel replied, ringing mud out of her long black hair. I grabbed my bag and walked out of the locker room, heading up the path towards the Castle.

"Oy, thanks for hitting that Bludger at me," Cosette said joining me. She was just as muddy as I was, her blue robes soaked. I laughed lightly and looked back towards the Castle.

"I was actually aiming for Corner, but he ducked out of the way right as I hit it." She laughed as we walked along.
"I was so close to the snitch until you did that."

"Just doing my job," I winked. We finally got to the castle and went our seperate ways. I made my way down the steps to Slytherin Dungeon, suddenly feeling something pass right though me. I turned and saw Peeves the Poltergeist, rushing up towards the main hall. I rolled my eyes and continued, heading straight for my dorm room. I quickly hit the showers and got changed before heading to dinner. As I finished drying my hair, I looked over and noticed my trunk sat, slightly ajar with a letter sticking out of it. I stood up and grabbed it, noticing it was the most recent letter from my dad... I opened the trunk the rest of the way and saw it had been ransacked... I looked around to see if anything was missing. If it was, it wasn't obvious. As I began organizing it, the page from the library book about the killing curse fell out of the book I had hidden it in. This couldn't be what they were searching for... could it? Or maybe they had been looking for the book? I closed my trunk and went back to my bed, lifting the matress. The book was still there. I pulled it out and opened it, noticing it was back to it's confusing. I had to hide it better until I could return it. I looked around the dormitory, not sure where to hide it. I heard someone in the hallway outside and shoved it in my trunck, closing it, pointing my wand at it and whispering "Colloportus," hearing it click. I stood up and put my wand down, right as Jane, a 5th year girl with long blonde hair that hung past her hips walked in.

"Hi Juliette! Great game today, huh?" She asked.

"Yeah, it was..." I said, awkwardly.

"Why arent you up at dinner? Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. I was just cleaning up from the match. I'm heading up now though..."

"I'll come with you! Just let me put this letter away. I'll meet you in the common room." I headed down to the main room, the green glow of the fireplace illuminated the silver carvings in the wall. I just loved the common room, even though it was a bit dark at most times. "Alright, let's go!" Jane said cheerfully.

We made our way up the staircase to the Great Hall where everyone was already digging in to the feast. I took a seat next to Florance as she scolded Scorpius for something, who knows what. I looked over at the table on the farthest side and saw Cosette talking with another Ravenclaw boy, she seemed to fancy him. I looked around and found Ben sitting next to Alice, professor Longbottom's daughter. She was a very sweet girl, but rather shy. She seemed quite taken with Benovolio, she would always come right up to him and start a conversation, but if we tried to talk to her, she would just freeze up. Ben looked up and smiled at me sweetly waving slightly. I smiled and waved back as two professors walked behind me, making their way to the front table. I couldn't help but overhearing part of what they were saying.

"My word, Horace, is it true? Amycus Carrow really escaped again?" I felt everything inside of me tense up at his name.

"It would appear so my dear, Irma," Professor Slughorn replied.

"How awful. If you ask me, he deserves a kiss from the dementors." I couldn't hear anymore of what they were saying, but suddenly I wasn't very hungry. I stood up and walked out of the hall, feeling tears brimming my eyes. How could this be? How could he have escaped again? Amycus Carrow was the man who ruined my life. He's the man who tortured my parents... I felt a tear slip down my cheek and quickly wiped it away.

"Something on your mind?" A voice asked from above. I quickly looked up and saw one of the ghosts floating down. Not just any ghost, Collin. Collin Creevey, my dad's brother who died in the battle of Hogwarts. After so many people died in the battle, Professor McGonagall recovered all the ghosts and allowed them to stay here.

"It's nothing..." I lied.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah... it's just that... the man the killed my mum is on the loose. The man that..." I let out a shakey breath.

"The man that tortured your parents..." he said, understanding.

"Exactly. I just... I really don't feel up to talking about it.."

"I get it. Just make sure you talk to someone eventually." I just smiled and nod in response before heading down the steps towards my house. I only wished things like this would stop happening to my family...

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