Chapter Thirty Five

Start from the beginning

"Harry..." I try to urge him on and he doesn't even try to be subtle. He immediately leans his head up and presses his mouth between my legs, leaving my head spinning. My fingers immediately tangle into his hair to hold him in place as his tongue glides against me. He locks his lips around my bundle of nerves and I tug harder on his hair. He moans along with me when I pull on his hair which is a pleasant surprise.

"Is that... Do you like having your hair pulled?" I manage to steady my voice enough to ask. Harry keeps his mouth on me for a moment longer before leaning back again.

"I wouldn't say I dislike it..." He seems slightly embarrassed to admit it and I giggle happily.

"Why didn't I know that until now? We're gonna have fun with this..."

"Like I said, baby, I could show you so many things. Maybe we could even learn a few things together." He turns his head to kiss the inside of my thigh delicately and a shudder runs through my body. This man may be the death of me with just a few simple words.

Harry and I take full advantage of our alone time together. We spend our first hour completely tangled up together and last for three rounds before we both admit we're too exhausted to continue. We end up cuddled up together in bed for nearly another half hour, half asleep and giggling over stupid things the pop into our minds.

Eventually around eleven in the morning, Harry and I get into the shower together. We plan for it to be innocent and for us to merely spend some more time together, but we fail at sticking to our word and I end up pressed against the shower wall with my legs around his waist and my body once again being completely overtaken by him.

When we do finally manage to make it out of the house, Harry suggests we stop and eat lunch to refuel ourselves. We end up at some little cafe a few blocks from my house. We order a meal to share and sit cozied together in the booth of our table as we eat slowly and ramble on for what feels like forever about anything and everything. Conversation has seemingly always flowed easily between us and I can't deny that it feels good for a change to have the both of us away from work and school and all of our responsibilities and able to just enjoy time together.

After lunch, Harry and I somewhat lamely resort to walking around in the main part of town. We hold hands and walk close beside each other as we weave in and out of shops with the main goal of looking around but not letting each other spend too much money. I do end up talking him into getting a new shirt for work that compliments the color of his eyes nicely. He's skeptical for a few minutes when he looks at the price tag and opts to put it back, but when he later moves on to look at ties, I excuse myself to the restroom and go purchase it for him secretly.

Needless to say, we're back to groping each other again when we get back in the car.

By the late hours of the afternoon, we end up parked at the beach and walking along the sand as we unravel from our day. We seem to have temporarily run out of things to talk about and for the first ten minutes we walk in silence along the shore. We look around at the seagulls flying by and laugh each time the waves come up on the shore a little further than the previous time and end up splashing our feet.

Within twenty minutes, we end our walk and sit down in the sand a little ways away from the car. Harry somehow talks me into sitting in between his legs and even though I protest at first, I actually find myself rather comfortable with my back pressed against his chest and my hands on his thighs.

"It's so peaceful here." Harry hums against my ear as we sit quietly. I nod my head in agreement and turn to look at him just as he's leaning in closer to me.

"I don't think I ever want to go back to Chicago. I don't want to work or pay bills or... Any of that stupid stuff. I want to break my alarm clock and just spend every morning waking up whenever I want with you there next to me." His voice is low as he speaks against my ear and I listen intently. One of his hands is holding mine in my lap and I find myself intrigued by the rings on his fingers.

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