"Yes I will Zayn just..uhhh you ruined the surprise Z!" She whined.

Zayn and Mavis both started laughing. Me and Harry looked at each other with expressions what's-going-on-over-here.

"Guys what's going on over here?" Me and Harry asked suspiciously.

"Okay y/n you've gotta come with me. Come on!" She said while blushing and took me in the kitchen.

"What's all the blushing about tell me what's happening Mavis?" I inquired happily.

But instead of telling she placed her hand on her stomach. My eyes were so wide that they were buldging out from their sockets.

"Mavissssss!!!! aaaaaah! I don't believe it! Is it true?" I asked her while squealing as a tear fell from her face and she was smiling widely. We shared a hug.

"I'm gonna be an aunt! I'm gonna be an aunt!" I chanted. Suddenly Harry and Zayn came in the kitchen and me and Harry congratulated them. They looked cute together.

"Guys have you done the shopping?" I asked with happiness and curiosity. I couldn't control it.

"Relax y/n we also just came to know last night, we haven't the shopping yet." Mavis said while laughing.

"So when are you guys getting married?" I asked with happiness. I seriously couldn't control myself.

"We also haven't decided that too.. " Zayn said.

"Aah I see.. " I sighed. But again I shared a hug with them both. I Was so happy for them.

"We'll go with you guys if you need any help with the shopping. " Harry asked while wrapping his arms around me from back and rested his head on mine.

"Haha what a coincidence! We were gonna ask you for that." Zayn said.

"Aawww of course we're gonna help you.. " And we all got ready to leave for the store.


"Aww look at this cutie cutie little shirt. " I said in a baby voice as Harry laughed. Zayn and Mavis told us that they were gonna go in the other part of the shop whereas we were looking in another part of the shop.

As we were adoring all the cute clothes and checked them for Zayn and Mavis suddenly an old aged woman came and stood beside me.

"Hello there young lady, are you finding some clothes for your baby?" She asked politely with a smile.

Me and Harry looked at each other and before our eyes met we looked away. We were blushing so hard and smiled widely. Harry started scratching the back of his neck while blushing and I bit my lip.

"Uhhh... Ehem... Yes ma'am.. Aaaa. I mean not our baby, our friend's baby..." I said with a big grin. Harry looked at me and smiled. I looked away.

"Oh that's lovely, congratulations for your friend there and don't worry, you'll have one soon.. " She said while pointing her index finger on us both.

I palmed my face and my cheeks started burning. Harry started coughing on listening to what that lady said to me.

"Aaa.. Thank you very much!" We both thanked her and got out of that lane as soon as possible before that lady makes us nervous around each other more.

I took a deep breath and calmed myself down. I tried to forget what happened earlier until this happened. As I was searching for some cute clothes, Harry came from behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I stiffened. I was so flying around the whole universe right now that I won't be able to find my way back to earth I think.

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