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  I was sitting on my window-sill thinking about what had just happened in my kitchen. I was still trying to process what I had just, hours ago, nicely agreed to. I had just gotten back from school. My mom and I were sitting at the table, eating her famous turkey and ham sandwiches.

“So Bella how was your day?"

"Fine". I sighed at the notion of school. I looked up at her. She seemed nervous and fidgety. “mom, are you ok?"

she gave me a nervous smile. “yeah sweetie. Im fine. Im just thinking about things"

"like?" she looked at me and gave me a sad frown. “Mom everything ok?"

“Honey, Phil has to travel for a while. He wants me to go with him and I want to go with him as well. It would be good for me to get out of Arizona for a while." she gave out a meek laugh.

" so you should go with him. I can handle my self for a while. Just leave grocery money and ill survive." we both laughed.

“Bella, if I go, you are going to go back to Forks to live with Charlie for while im gone." I took a second to think about this.

My dad was ok. I haven’t seen him in years. Sure we talk, but it’s not the same as living with him.

“You will end this school year up in Forks. Charlie is already expecting you. He is so excited to see you Bella." I thought about my childhood memories in my old house in Forks. It rained practically everyday, but that didn’t stop me for exploring when I was younger. Back then it was a place of wonders. The house was a castle with a never ending garden that towered above me. As I grew older though, the house was a place of anger and resentment. I remember, quite vividly, my parents screaming at each other as they argued. I realized that I do actually miss Charlie.

“Bella, are you ok with this? I can stay home if you'd rather."

"NO... I mean no mom you should go with him. It would be good for you." she let out a relived breath.

"Bella, you don’t know how much this means to Me." she reached across the table and gave me a hug. “So.....when do I leave?" she got that worried look on her face again.

"Saturday." she looked at me with a face that said im sorry for telling you so late. My mouth dropped to the table. “Bella, close your mouth. You’re attracting flies." Saturday. That was five days from now. I slowly met my mother scarlet green eyes.

“o...ok..." she smiled at my shock.

“I thought you were going to put a fight." I laughed softly.

“I want you to be happy mom. That’s all. And if this is what it takes, then so be it."

“Thank you sweetie. Ill have Phil bring home boxes." we cleaned up and I went to my room to think. 

       Soon it was Friday and my last day in Arizona. When I got to school, I returned my books and said good-bye to my friends. It was bitter sweet. By the time I got home, it was dinner time. Phil was out practicing again so it was just my mom and me. After dinner, I cleaned up and went upstairs to finish packing before I left in the afternoon. As I went back into the living room, I realized the TV was on and my mom was on the couch.

“mom, mind if I....." I quickly shut my mouth. She was asleep. I walk over to audomen and pulled out a blanket. She was shivering. I put the blanket over her. I gently kissed her forehead.

Just then the front door opens. Phil was home. I walked in the kitchen and got a glass of water. He always uses the back door which is located in the kitchen. He had on his baseball out fit. He was covered in dirt and grime. He had his bat and gym bag slung over his right shoulder and his keys and hat in his left hand.

"Oh hey, Bella" I looked at him and gave a half smile.

“hey, Phil. how was practice?" he yawned.

 “Ok...im WIPED out. Where is your mom?" I looked towards the living room. “She fell asleep on the couch. I just covered her up." he smiled.

 He put his stuff down by the back door and walked to the living room. He stopped in front of the couch and smiled down at my mother. He pulled back the blanket and picked up my mother bridal style. He disappeared around the hall with my mother in his arms.

I went into my bathroom and showered. After I showered and was dressed in my comfortable clothes, I went back into my bathroom and combed out my hair. As I did so I really looked at myself in the mirror. I saw a 17 year old girl with brown eyes and mid-chest length hair. She had bags under her eyes from stress and her frame was thin and almost weak. I hated to know that girl staring back at me in the mirror was me. I walked back to my room.

Phil walked back to my room. "Hey thanks again Bella." I gave him a weak and tired smile.

"sure. She is mom, you know?"

“I know Bella. I know. Thank you for letting her do this. Come with me, I mean."

“I just want her to be happy. Take care of her or I will hunt you down." I smiled at him. He smiled back at me.

“the same threat you used when you found out we were getting married. I promise, ill take care of her." I smiled again.

“Good night, Phil."

“Good night, Bella" I shut my door and looked at my room for one last time. I sighed and turned out my light. I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.

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