15|| It's Okay, I Understand

Start from the beginning

"Babe, we only waited like 3 minutes," Luke laughed as he was looking at his watch.

"Fine. But please tell me you have all the things, and the flowers placed," Alex said, sighing in relief when she saw me nod. "Good. Now, let's get into position, and see if she her reaction."

Alex, Luke and I all stood up and went to a spot where we could see Lexi's locker. Because of all the people in the hallway, she probably wouldn't be able to see us unless she was really looking.

"There she is," Luke alerted us. We all looked at where he was pointing at.

There Lexi was, about to open her locker, and once she did, she immediately noticed the bouquet of flowers I put in her locker with a simple little note.

I waited for her reaction after she read the note. She smiled before getting her binder and books, shutting her locker, then proceeding to go to her first class, that I knew for a fact was Literature.

"Didn't we all see that smile? It means she liked it, Chase! So on to the next step, do it before lunch," Alex reminded me. "Good luck!"

She and Luke walked away, hand-in-hand. They were such a good couple, and that's why I wasn't surprised when I found out that they were the school's 'it' couple. Luke was the school's perfect boy, and Alex was so nice nobody could hate her.

I walked over to my first class, not wanting to be late, which luckily didn't include Lexi in it. I was too damn nervous, I didn't even want to see her.

"Sup, man! Are you okay? You look a bit tense," Ryder informed me. 

Like I didn't already know.

"Yeah. I'm just thinking about a lot of things right now. But I'm fine," I answered, trying to hide the nervousness I was feeling inside me.

He seemed to fall for it when he shrugged and took his seat. 

Wow, was it really that easy to fool him?

Our teacher came in, and our class started. The same things happened in my second and third classes. Except Ryder wasn't there.

It was Lexi. Which made it much worse. And she knew I gave the flowers. She was ignoring me. She was sitting right beside me, and yet not once did she look at me.

I knew from the start that she might've not liked those cliché ways to court her, but I took the risk... And I couldn't back out anymore.

After our third class, it was lunch, and I told her to go and get food already because I still had to do something for classwhen in reality, I went to my locker, and got my second gift, a necklace, placing it in the box then in her locker. 

Step two, done. Last one to go. The last one, but also the hardest and scariest one.

I walked to our circular table, Alex and Luke already there and put my food down, plopping on the chair beside Luke. 

"I'm done," I sighed, a little breathless.

"You still have one last thing to do," Alex reminded me and Luke nodded. Right.

"What does he mean by 'I'm done'? But you say he still has something to do. Why don't I know anything?" Lexi directed that to Alex, still not minding me. She came with Ryder who just arrived at our table. She sat down beside me nonetheless.

"Me too! What are you keeping from us?" Ryder backed up his sister, sitting on a chair beside Lexi.

They'll find out soon enough.

Alex, Luke, and I just laughed it off while Lex and Ryder's face were still blank. 

"Even Luke knows. How could you? You told him before me. This is betrayal. I thought you'd tell me everything Alex, I though you trusted me. You hurt me Alex, " Lexi feigned hurt, even putting her hand to her heart.

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