Chapter 34

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1 more chapter :(
Some of you- okay a lot of you- were pissed at me for leaving the last chapter on a cliff hanger. Sorry :)
As of today (14th May 2016) we are at 19.1K reads. We will probably be able to hit 20K this chapter, which to me is unbelievable. Thank you so much guys.

Infinity's POV:

Lace's shirt lifted a bit and that's when I saw the gun.

Not just any gun; one that holds silver bullets.

I started to run across the field with all of he strength I had left in me.

Tobias started to advance towards Lace but he had his hand on the gun. If I shouted, I would probably make things worse.

Desperately trying to mind link Tobias, I continued to sprint to where the two stood.

"Dammit, why isn't this working?" I screamed at Trinity.

"I don't know!" She replied in a panicked voice.

"Well fuck," I mumbled to myself.

I saw Lace reach for the gun and I lunged at him as he pulled it out.

We tumbled onto the floor, and I successfully tried to knock the gun out of his hand.

"Bitch," He spat at me.

"I'm so offended." He rolled his eyes and I kicked him in the jaw to shut him up.

I held him down with my foot as I stood up but he grabbed hold of it, flipping me over so I landed on the grass once more.

He tried to stand up but I reached out and placed my had on the grass, freezing part of it and making him slip and fall.

I stood up again and tried punching him but Cammie came from behind me and slashing her claws into my side.

I hissed in pain, which gave Lace enough time to stand up and drop kick me in the same place Cammie had just slashed her claws over.

I cried out in pain as I fell but lifted my hands up, sprouting tree roots that wrapped around their legs.

The war was still going on around us but Tobias was keeping any wolves from attacking up while we were fighting.

"You won't beat us!" They both just laughed at me, the same way that they did a couple of days ago.

"Kacey's dead! You're nothing without her!" They just continued to laugh.

I groaned in annoyance and released them from the roots and creating a giant mud puddle under then instead. They immediately fell to where their waists were level with the ground and continued to slowly sink.

They continued to struggle but it was useless. The mud was like quicksand.

I look over the battlefield to see Tobias running at me, focused on something behind me. I was about to turn around when I was sent hurling back into a tree.

"Shit," I groaned.

I opened my eyes to see Tobias wrestling with a witch, but I also saw Lace reaching for the gun.

I tried screaming for Tobias but he couldn't hear me.

But that's when I heard the gunshots.

I watched in horror as Lace and Cammie's bodies fell limp in the mud, Blaise stood breathless, the gun still raised.

Everyone on the battlefield froze.

Most of them soon realised that their leaders were dead and retreated into the woods, the rest following not long after.

The pack cheered in relief and victory while some stood grieving over the deaths of so many people.

Blaise melted the gun and let the metal dribble to the floor.

Tobias immediately came rushing over to me.

"We did it Fin," I smiled at how happy he looked.

His smile dropped when he saw the blood oozing out of the back of my head and my side.

"Fuck, we need to get you to the doctor."

"Wait." I said as he picked me up from my position on the ground.

"Let me say something to the pack first," He nodded and carried me over to where the pack members were.

They all gathered around us and Tobias set my feet on the ground, keeping a hold on me in case I fell.

"I know most of you lost someone close to you today and I am extremely sorry for that. It's my fault. I shouldn't have left that day and killed Kacey myself but I was so devastated that my mate didn't believe me, I ran." Some of the pack gasped but I continued.

"If I hadn't, I would never have me the four other guardians that helped us win today. Genesis, Ignacio, my cousin Blaise, and my brother Coen." Cheers erupted once more from the crowd but died down when Tobias started to speak.

"Which is why, as a great effort today, I am making Coen my new beta after the loss of Lace, Blaise my new third in command after the loss of Jared today, Genesis my new head pack doctor after the loss of Kacey, and Ignacio my new Head Warrior." I saw each of the four's faces light up and they ran over to hug big of us, repeating 'thank you' over and over.

"It might take a while for us to get back to the way things were before everything started but I hope you accept all of us being here." The pack just cheered.

I smiled and looked over the crowd.

This was my family now.

I was finally happy.


Hopefully next chapter will be extra long seen as it's the last chapter!

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