Chapter 9:: Memories of a lost love ( We will remember our fallen)

Start from the beginning

I shook my head smirking thinking back to something Zig had said the last time I saw him "Who needs a drill sergeant when your own sub conscience will suffice or if you have a brother like Zek?" he had asked me. If there was one thing Zig could do it was make me smile. That old codger always had a cockamamie scheme cooking in that head of his. I hope he's doing ok I thought as stood up putting my pack on my back. As I made my way back to the wash racks I thought on everyone I had left behind. I never thought I would miss them this much. I hadn't before so why does it hurt now? I shook the thought from my mind there safer away from you remember! 

When I finally made it back I saw four separate devices each with the paint I had requested Knockout to bring inside it and Orion drying himself off. I walked over to the crates and set my stuff down and picked up one of the smaller devices and applied a small amount of pressure to the trigger and a small squirt of blue paint came out. I smiled this would certainly make my job easier. I'll have to remember to thank Knockout later.

:: So you in the market for some flames? :: I asked Orion.

"No, I can not say that I am" he replied smirking.

:: Aww!! Ok then what about a few flowers? They aren't orange but blue is just as nice?:: I asked smirking. Orion gave me a look that said you must be joking and shook his head. :: Alright then what did you have in mind? :: I asked smiling

"I am perfectly satisfied with the way I am" he replied as he walked over to me.

:: Alright if you say so:: I replied shrugging as he raised an optic ridge at me. giving me the what is that supposed to mean look. It still amazed me that they could make such human expressions the way they did. You wouldn't expect metal to be able to move like that. I smiled even their reactions were human like. All of them acted and felt just like humans did. I smiled to myself at the thought as I picked up the other small device that held the red paint within it and set to work as Orion did the same. I started on his pedes as he did his arms and shoulders.  

It had taken a while but we had finally finished. Orion and I were simply waiting for the paint to dry now. I sat there staring at my reflection for a few moments I looked like a down right mess. Yeah definitely shower time I said to myself as Orion looked around bored out of his mind.  

The big guy really didn't like to sit around and do nothing. Matter of fact the only time he sat still was when he was at the terminal trying to decode some of the entries that comprised project Iocon and when he was sleeping. I wasn't overly fond of sitting around either I smirked as I looked at my reflection might as well have some fun if we're stuck here:: Alright so what's the game plan Glitter bot?:: He looked at me optic ridge raised.

"Glitterbot?" he asked confused.

:: Yep! Because you're shiny and sparkly:: I replied smiling

"I would prefer if you not call me that" he replied.

:: Very well but only if you tell me how much longer. I'm dying here?:: I asked

"Are you truly that impatient?" he asked.

:: Yes! Dude you know when they say it's like watching paint dry. That is literally what we're doing right now the only thing that would make it worse is if we were watching grass grow! Or Golf! Golf is much worse! :: I replied waving my arms around. He chuckled lightly as he answered.

"Probably within the next few minutes"

:: At least it's not much longer:: I replied

"Indeed" he replied

:: You wanna play checkers while we wait or we could play a different game?:: I asked.

"What other games did you have in mind?" he asked curiously.

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