Chapter 3

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Ra was in shock of what he had just saw he could not believe that he had just seen Petunia.  Ra had to meet Mitch in the cemetery parking lot.  He could not believe that his parents had died just last night they were old yes, but they were also sweet loving people.  He found himself wondering about Petunia and shook himself from the vision of her brown hair flowing over her shoulders and ending in two perfect curls with the perfectly chiseled face and blue eyes with a hint of gold.  Mitch had just shown up as he shook himself from the vision of Petunia.  It was time to go to the funeral and cry his eyes out once more.  Ra followed Mitch after the funeral and of course Mitch had to stop at Pizza Hut to get lunch for the two of them so they sat down and ate pizza and talked for a bit.  Once they got back in their trucks Mitch said "Petunia called me and said you stopped by her house and gave her a shock.  Already starting the flirting now are ya." Ra just shook his head and said "No I simply just stopped by to ask for directions, I didn't know she still lived there until she screamed my name.  She gave me a shock too!"  The two of them stayed quiet over the walkie talkies for the rest of the ride to Mitch's house.

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