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"I can believe that one Direction is selecting 5 fans from tonights show to go on tour with them!" Says Ali through the phone.

"I know wouldn't it be so cool to be chosen? We would get to meet and Hang out with our idols!" I say back.

"Any way I have to go get ready for tonight, I will be at your house to pick you up at 4:00pm so that we have tons of time to get to the venue before the show starts, yeah?" Ali tells me.

"Okay, see you then!" I replied then hung up the phone.

**End of Flash back**

Now, you must be wondering who the hell am I and what is my story. So here

Hair~ natualy blond but died red and orange and shoulder length

Eyes~ hazel

Hight~ 5'5

Skin~ white with blemishes {spots}

Tomboy or girly~ Tomboyish

Age~ 18

And my best friend Ali...

Hair~ dark brown down to about her butt

Eyes~ hazel

Hight~ 5'2

Skin~ Olive brown

Tomboy or girly~ tomboy

Age~ 18

So that is us we both have good family's and we have been friends since 2nd grade.

Back to the story...

It is 3:30 and I am all dressed and just finishing my makeup, which consists of light eye shadow and some lip gloss. I decide that I look good so I place my lip gloss into my purse then go into the living space to watch TV until Ali gets here.

At 4:00 sharp Ali knocks at the door telling me that she has arrived. I grab my purse and go answer the door, to see her dressed in some dark wash jean shorts and a light blue singlet, which is really simaler to my outfit which is light wash jean shorts and a orange singlet.

We both say our hellos then get into Ali's slightly beat up dark blue poniac firebird. Then start our way to the venue.

When we get there we are met with huge crowds of people waiting to get into the venue. We look at each other then give eachother a quick nod climbing out of the car and we start walking to the back of the line. We have 2 second row tickets that we bought back in december, it is march now.

After about a thirty minute wait they finally started to let people in. It took about another thirty minutes until we where let in but is was worth the wait! Like holy shat this place is massive! I bet it could seat over 5 thousand people. Right about now I was getting all jumpy and excited. I mean who wouldn't be?

We finally found our seats in the second row and we got all settled. I checked the time and it was 6:30pm and the show started at 7:00pm so we had about thirty minutes until our idols made an appearance.

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