oh my god! s/he is so nice.

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Have you ever wanted to come of attractive at first sight and probably at your first introduction to someone? Well,

Build Attraction When first meeting someone, if you do go for a
handshake then make sure your hand is warm. It makes you seem much more inviting than a cold hand. The person will be inclined to believe that you are attractive and charming even though you may not be or you may. Keep a smile and a steady eye contact ( go to chapter 12, eye color, and learn how to do this using eye color) and slightly keep their hand in yours for long kind of like 6 -7 seconds ,depending on your culture and then suddenly let go and complement their hair or an accessory they have...

I am not teaching you how to make SB fall in love with you!! ( not yet)

Also, when you're with that person,

subtly mimic their actions and posture,( mirroring chapter) it builds trust and their minds trick them to thinking that you seem like you two fit together better.

This relaxes their minds and inhibits the production of cortisol hormone associated with the feeling of wanting to run away when in a crowd or meeting someone who will probably intimidate you and makes them produce slight levels of oxytocin ( the cuddle hormone)

Also use this trick on your enemies ( chapter 29).

The opposite is true too, if you want to come off as an a***hole just shake someones hand with cold water on you're hand

Good luck!!

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