Chapter 12

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Hey guys, just a quick author’s note… This is the last chapter of WOLF. As Kris and Amber start to doubt each other and tensions rise within the pack, their bond as mates—or whatever they are—will be put to the ultimate test. After all, wolves mate for life. If she dies, so will Kris. If she lives… we’ll just see.

This chapter will probably be short…sorry.


Three days went by in a blur. I could sense the change in the pack; as the days progressed, they grew more aggressive towards each other. Kris grew more and more protective of me. He didn’t let me step away from his side. Even Chanyeol acted less like his playful self and more like a wolf.

It was noon on the third day. New moon was that night. Luhan’s eyes met mine. He was extremely confident in himself. I regretted the challenge but wasn’t about to take it back. I couldn’t take it back even if I wanted to, so I just sat there and thought.

Kris growled. “I don’t like this at all. I can’t control this and it frustrates me, dammit.”

I squeezed his hand. “I know your alpha instinct likes to be in control, but realizing that there are things you can’t control is normal.”

“Normal for you,” he muttered. His eyes met mine, and they were bright red. “I don’t want to lose you. You are my mate.”

“What if you are wrong?” I thought. “What if we aren’t mates and you have been deluding yourself and the rest of the pack?”

Kris growled and moved quickly. I squeaked as I found myself pinned underneath him. He had both my arms pinned to the ground, and he was on top of me. His red eyes bored into mine. “Do. Not. Doubt. Me,” he said slowly through his teeth. “I don’t care if you are human or a she-wolf or a freaking caribou. As long as your soul calls out to mine, I know that you and I are mates.”

I still wasn’t sure, but I was feisty. “Get off me, you oaf.” I pushed him off and sat back up, dusting myself off. Looking around at the stares of the pack mates, I sighed. “I’m going for a walk.”

“I’ll go, too,” a voice piped in. I turned to see Tao rise from his place on the floor. He followed me out of the den.

Once we were out of earshot, I let out a breath. “It’s tight in there.”

He ignored my attempt at a casual conversation. “Kris is trying his best, you know. The last thing he wants is for the pack to be divided.”

“Is the pack divided?” I asked, catching him off guard.

Tao paused. “Yes,” he said quietly. “Luhan is strong. He is not a good fighter, but he is still powerful. Within the pack, he has wolves that would gladly follow him anywhere.”

“Who?” I asked. “I will not betray them to Kris. I want to know who amongst the pack is divided.”

“There are the wolves loyal to Kris and to you,” Tao said. “Myself, Chanyeol, Chen, D.O., Kai, and Baekhyun. Then there are Luhan’s followers: Sehun, Suho, Xiumin, and Lay.”

I was irritated at myself. “If I had never come here, your pack would be whole. If I had died with Jake and his friends, your pack would not be divided. You would be as you were before.”

“Yes,” Tao said. Brutally honest.

I looked up at him. “If I die in my challenge with Luhan, things will go back to the way they were before I came here. Before Kris knew I existed. I want it to be that way—when all of you were a family. Don’t let the pack divide because of me. I respect you, Tao. Don’t let the pack fall because of me.”

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