Chapter 7

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I didn’t care about the burning pain in my leg. I didn’t care about my pounding heart or the sound of wind rushing through my ears. I sprinted out of the den, moving faster than I had ever run before.

You will most likely never see your family again. Luhan’s words echoed in my mind. I was angry and upset and absolutely terrified. They were going to kill me.

I could hear them running after me now. Afraid for my life, I pushed myself faster. My leg screamed in pain, protesting against it. I didn’t care. Survival was the only thing on my mind.


I ignored the shout and kept running. This time, I spotted the clear spot where there was no trees. The ravine. I quickly turned away from it. Hopefully I was going in the right direction. I didn’t care, though. Any direction away from them was the right direction.

I tripped and rolled along the ground. My hand sliced against a sharp rock, and I winced. I staggered onto my feet, but my hand was bleeding. I shoved it into my pocket.

The seconds that I had been on the ground had given them enough time to catch up. I screamed and kicked wildly as one of them—I couldn’t tell which one—wrapped his arms around me. “LET ME GO! LET GO OF ME!”

“Amber, please calm down!” Chanyeol was in front of me, trying to keep my feet down so I wouldn’t kick him. “You’ll hurt yourself!”

“LET ME GO!” I shrieked, trying to break free.

“Amber.” Kris’ voice was a quite murmur in my ear. “If you don’t calm down, I’m going to tie you up.”

“What differene does it make?” I snapped angrily, struggling. “You’re going to kill me anyway, so just get it over with!” He dropped me, and I fell to the ground. I didn’t look up at him or Chanyeol. “I don’t know why I feel so betrayed,” I muttered. “What was I expecting?”

“Amber,” Chanyeol said, his voice cracking.

“I won’t let them kill you,” Kris said firmly. I looked up at him, confused. He had a determined, hard expression on his face. “I swear. I won’t let them touch you, Amber.”

“You’ve lied to me so far,” I said with a loathful expression. “Why should I believe you now? Just get it overwith. I shouldn’t have expected any different from wolves. As you have pointed out numerous times…you’re not human.”

Kris’ eyes turned bright red. “Chanyeol, go back to the den!” He snarled. “Now!”

Chanyeol whimpered but obeyed, turning and jogging back the way we had come. Kris pulled me up by my arm. “Let me see your hand. I can smell the blood.”

“Don’t touch me,” I said, drawing back.

“Amber,” he said.

“I’m not one of your wolves!” I replied, yanking away from him. I turned away and started to walk again. This time, I couldn’t hide the limp. My leg was killing me.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me around. I gasped as he yanked me into his chest. His hand curled around the back of my neck, tangling into my hair. I couldn’t even breathe; I was so stunned.

“Amber,” Kris said quietly in my ear. “I swear on my pack and the new moon. I will not let them touch you. You are my mate, and I claim you as such. You are the alpha female and they cannot harm you.”

“W-what?” I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper.

“You are mine,” Kris murmured. “If they want to kill you, they have to go through me.” He drew back and leaned down, pressing his lips against mine. I blinked, stiffening. Kris moved his head a bit. I closed my eyes and let him pull me in.

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