Chapter One

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I awoke in a dark damp room. My hands and feet were bound and I could hear crying. It came from my left, but echoed the entire room. I couldn't remember what had happened, all I knew was that I wasn't on the date with Maddison. I was in a dark, damp, cold room. With someone else.

"Whe... where am I?" I said quietly and instantly the crying was silent. "I know you're there, I heard you crying." I say hoping for an answer.

"You're in hell. They've taken another poor girl. I'm sorry for you." A female voice whispers.

"Taken another girl?" I ask.

"You've been kidnapped. I hope that you didn't have anyone that mattered to you." She says harshly.

"Why would you hope that?" I ask.

"Because you won't get out of here unless you die. That's the only way that you'll ever get to leave. You're fucked just like everyone else here." She says. "Now can you shut up. I'm trying to think of how I can convince Carlee to give me a real meal." She says.

"Ok." I say and then decided to just shut up.

A couple hours later, a door opens and I see a man come in. While I have a chance I look at my cell mate. She's shackled to the ceiling and floor. She's got purple hair, and she's pale. Probably from living in the dark for so long. The man looks at her and mumbles something about dykes under his breath.

"Kayla, you have to come with me. Isn't this exciting? You are going to get a beating for a number of things." He says and snatches me up by my arm. Dragging me past the girl. "Dick." She says and without missing a beat he turns and slaps her.

"Fucking bitch, dykes like you should just die." He says and something in my wants to fight back so I try to hit him. He just takes the chance to grab my other hand and I try to kick him and bite him. But soon I wear myself out and she just slings me around and drags me down the hall. "Here Zach take this little bitch. I need to close the door and she's really working on my fucking nerves." He says to other man waiting outside the hall door.

"I'll just take her to Carlee, if you can keep guard for me?" Zach says. And the other man nods.

"Carlee, here's the girl you asked for. Jack had to lock the door so he asked me to take her. " Zach tells a woman sitting in a chair. She has red hair and she wears a black tank top, black ripped leggings, and some red six inch peep toed pumps.

"Tie her to the chair will you? Don't need her running around and disturbing our other friends." She says. Her voice is sweet, almost too sweet. Like she's faking, she sounds kind of like a younger version of Umbridge from Harry Potter. But her appearance said the exact opposite.

"Yes ma'am." He says.

"Good boy now come here." She demands and he does. She grabs his face and kisses him harshly and passionately. Then pushed him away and tells him to go finish his work. "So Kayla love, you are probably wondering... Why am I here? Right?" She asks. I nod not wanting to talk. "Well you are here because we've been watching you and I liked you. When I like something I get it. So I got you, now you can cooperate and do as we say of get beaten. Understand?" I nod again. She walks closer to me.

"Now let's get you accustom to rewards." She says and bends down in front of me looking me in my eyes. She kisses me and I try not to puke. She tastes like blood and cigarettes. Then she pulls away thank god and grabs something behind me. "When one does as they are asked, they get food. She gives me a piece of bread." Then she takes it away. "This is what happens if you are disobedient." She punches me in my nose and I start to bleed, but I keep my mouth shut.

"You're quiet that's good. You won't give us much lip. JACK!" She yells and the man that came to get me in the first place enters the room. "Take her back to her cell, please." She says and turns away to go sit at a desk in the corner of the room.

That was all I could recall from the first night... But everything got a lot worse then that... But at the same time life got better... I found something that made me want to live and I made her want to live. Together we worked to find some way out and fell more in love than ever.

A/N: Hey guys so I hope you liked this chapter. I think that it's interesting and that this is kicking off the entire book. I'm already thinking of an ending that will leave room for a sequel. So I hope you like it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2016 ⏰

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