"Sir, please forgive me for talking back. But that's a bit unfair to say about me." Evan looked up at Brian when he stated that and walked forward as he stood under him while Brian stood there still. Nogla was in the sidelines watching the two feeling sweat drip just being in the proximity of this.

"Oh then explain to me how your helpful Brian?"

"I may be a goofball but I'm clearly trying my hardest. I'm not the most graceful when it comes to task but at least I finish the objective. You say I'm a waste of space but you know that I'm the best at getting materials you need." Brian stated as Evan looked up at him.

"Your a goofball that strives to work hard but your constantly playing around with others clearly showing that you think everything is a game. Your not the best at getting materials in fact Marcel beats you to the punch every time. As for completing your task Craig, Tyler or even Luis have to constantly assists you in that regard. So yes your most of the things you said but your struggling to keep your place in our group. You may think your doing your job decently but in reality your nothing more that just extra weight." Evan spat as he turned his heel and walked away. Nogla looked at Brian as he stood there heart broken. That man that he admire so deeply just brushed him aside as if he were chopped liver. He's right on the point of him being a screw up but he's done a better job then the under paid minions they have every now and then. Watching the man they follow walk away like he didn't care. No that's not it, there was a slouch in his walk but it was subtle. Most times he would walk as if he didn't care for the world. But not this time.

"Brian?" Nogla stated softly.

"That's it. I'm tired of being his punchbag... EVAN!!" The short man stopped in his tracks. Brian walked up to the him in a fit of rage. Evan turned around as he saw Brian grab his shirt and lift him up. Nogla gasped in horror at his friend. Evan too felt his eyes widen slightly. "Nogla, leave the room. This is a personal matter." Brian gritted darkly as Nogla quickly got out of there. It was just the both of them as Brian pushed Evan to the wall leaning down.

"..." Evan stood there froze at the ma before him as he was angrily growling at him.

"I'm done being Mr. Nice guy. I'm tired of being the lovable screw up of the group. And I'm tired of being your abuse dummy! Now explain to me why... WHY IS IT YOU TREAT OTHERS WITH RESPECT BUT WITH ME IT'S A DIFFERENT STORY!?" Evan stood there silent as Brian calmed down panting from his frustrations. He then saw Evan's shoulders shake and then something wet. He lifted Evan's chin and saw something he never thought he'd see in a million years. Evan was crying.

"You think I want to be like this? I became a leader of a group of thugs. The last thing that people need is an emotional head figure that can't socialize for the life of him. I've lived Tyler the majority of my life so talking to people chatting it up. Being nice. It's literally not in my vocabulary! I made this group to help others like Tyler and I move forward and live with the skills they have but at the cost of being against the law. I'm the head figure for everyone and I can't comprehend others emotions... especially those I've come to... enjoy the company of..." Evan trailed off.

"Enjoy the company of... Evan... are you..." Brian began as Evan looked down with his cheeks turning pink. This was something Brian had not expect to occur in his life. His boss had just confessed to him something he clearly kept to himself for a long time. "Evan... why do you always have a poker face?"

"... It's the only way I can lead. A leader that gives a cool vibe of not caring is one people will not attempt to betray." This was a different Evan, the sealed Evan. The one that has insecurities. The one that Brian was seeing. Tyler probably knows about this side of Evan because their practically brothers. But Brian wasn't in Evan's trust circle. And now he snuck his way in side of it.

"You know, your opening up to me. I guess that makes me a reliable source then?" Evan looked at Brian with a slight shift in his eyes. He looked away from him trying to hide the fact this happened but Brian pulled his face softly. He decided to grant him something that would help him let go of his constant control. Brian lowered his head on to Evan's as their lips connected catching the Canadian off guard. Brian pushed his tongue into Evan's mouth as he tasted ever nook and cranny of his mouth. When they separated Evan was at a loss for breath as there was saliva dripping from his lips. "Your are constantly given control. This time your following my orders~" Brian leaned forward as he started nipping at Evan's neck making him mewl at the older. Brian sat on the ground with his back the wall and pulled Evan on to his lap. He removed his pants along with his boxers and unbuttoned his shirt leaving him open to the elements.

"Brian, stop that's an order!!"

"Well too bad, because your not in control and I won't stop until you've accepted this fact!" Brian stated bluntly as he took his member out and entered Evan making him scream at the intrusion.

"Br-Brian, Pl-please!" Evan begged as he felt Brian not move. He stood there with his cock in his ass making Evan tremble. He started trying to bounce so there could be some kind of friction anything! But Brian held him down to prevent him from doing anything.

"No, remember I said you have to admit to no control and beg." Evan felt himself panting as Brian stated this. He couldn't do it his pride as a leader wouldn't him. So guess what? Brian gave a hard singular thrust as Evan screamed in pleasure. It was a taste of what he could have if he conformed but Evan stayed silent. Brian noticed this and frowned but he smirked as he pushed Evan on to his hands and knees and gave another hard thrust. Evan moaned as his body shook in pleasure. "I guess it's too much to ask you to beg when your so prideful. So instead I'll just do stay here with you thrusting I to you wildly until you break."

2 hours have pasted and Evan is on the ground with his ass in the air moaning as Brian is still pounding into him. Coming once more in to his already filled entrance with more semen. Below Evan is a small puddle of his own cum. Brian then finally stopped as he saw that he lost. Evan just couldn't let his pride go. He pulled out of Evan panting in exhaustion as Evan's legs trembled.

"Your one tough cookie Evan I'll give you that." Brian stated as Evan laid on the ground panting.

"Brian... when I get... my composure back... I'm... I'm going to kill you..." Evan stated


Author's Note:

Yup that's the One-Shot, I know the Smut wasn't very intense like they normally are but that's because the next one is where it's at. That one, holy crap, I think it might out shine the one I did for Uke! Sky XD

But anyways I hope you all enjoyed the story and I hope this came out well to be honest trying to transition this story into a smut was kind of hard to do. An see you guys I'm out of practice in my happy fun time scenes. I need to work on them. Of course My Lingering Souls I'll take my leave and I'll see you all later


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