A Cheater's Sex Game - Ch.1

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Hey, a new, and my first story, that I'll be doing :)







Chapter One:

Aubrey and Stacia

Aubrey kicked at the snow with the toe of her boot and she blew out, a small slither of her breath rising carelessly into the cold night's air. She turned to Stacia with a frown, her eyebrows creased.

"Why are we in the mountains again?" Aubrey asked, an eyebrow cocking.

"Because we're on a ski trip. Now shut up and enjoy the cold." Stacia rolled her eyes and flashed Aubrey and simple grin.

Aubrey gave her friend a push, grinning at her too. Aubrey was fair skinned with a perfectly sculpted oval face. Her cheekbones were slightly raised and her nose was petite and cute. She had aqua blue eyes and light blond hair. She was about five-five in height and was thin.

Stacia was not fair skinned, and instead had skin the color of a rich milk chocolate. Her eyes were almost like black coals and something about them would draw you into her. She had a slightly too-big mouth when she smiled, but her pearl white teeth drew your attention away from the fact. Stacia was five-seven in height and weighed a slight bit more than Aubrey, given her height, but still thin.

Aubrey stretched out her almost-frozen fingers from under her gloves and groaned, "Seriously. Let's head back to the cabin."

Stacia tapped a boot against the ground, "Claire and Paul wanted time alone," she pointed out ruefully, just a dull reminder she didn't have anyone to spend 'alone time' with.

Chewing on the side of her cheek, Aubrey thought about this for a couple seconds, "They're probably in the bedroom. We'll hang in the living room and play Wii or something. C'mon. It beats freezing out here all night." Aubrey stood from the small bench and held her hand out to Stacia, who grabbed it and stood too. The two girls made their way slowly back to the cabin they were sharing with their friends Claire and Paul.

The snowfall that was originally just a simple casual fall from the air began to pick up and Aubrey and Stacia groaned as the snow flew around them, the cabin lights visible to them though.

Claire and Paul

"G'bye." Claire called, waving her spoon in the air as Aubrey and Stacia went out into the night. She knew they were giving her and Paul some time alone even though they didn't say that. She dug her spoon into the bowl of cereal again and took another bite, chewing slowly as if savoring the flavor. She doubted she and Paul would actually get anywhere since it was cold out and Aubrey didn't like the cold.

Strong arms wrapped around Claire's waist from behind and she leaned back, her head resting against Paul's shoulder. Claire was short at five-two and she had shoulder-length light brown hair, sometimes mistaken for dirty blond. Paul was tall, averaging at five-eleven and had tanner skin, slightly pink. He had chestnut brown hair and mysterious brown eyes and a killer grin that makes you melt.

"Hey Paul." Claire leaned forward, setting her bowl down on the coffee table in front of the fire. The cabin was warm and cozy inside and she was sitting on the couch at the moment. In front of her was the wooden coffee table and then there was the roaring fireplace. Above the mantel of the fireplace hung a large flat-screen television. Behind the couch were a small kitchen and a small table. To the left of the couch was a bedroom and bathroom, which was where Paul and Claire were staying, and then to the right was the other bedroom and bathroom, where Aubrey and Stacia were staying.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2009 ⏰

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