Chapter 4:

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"Well well well. Look at what we have here. Did the princess make it to school without a scratch today?" said Victoria as she filed her perfect pink nails.

I gulped and held my books tighter. I took a loose piece of hair and tucked it behind my ear. I had a nervous habit of doing that constantly.

"Yes I'm okay." I replied softly fiddling with my papers as I took a seat three desks away.

She stares at me up and down and then looks away bored.

"You are so easy to pick on. It's actually kind of boring." She said with an as-matter-of-fact look. 

"Thanks..?" I said suspiciously.

The final bell rang and I neatly opened my books and binder. I have OCD, things have to be neat and perfect or I can't function. I lined my perfectly sharpened pencil on the tray and flattened my skirt.

Victoria leaned over and pushed my pencil off my desk with an innocent look. Our teacher, Mr. Delga, walked in with his satchel slung about his shoulder. He was one of the most attractive teachers in the school, and my heart skipped when he spoke. He had tousled brown hair and big green eyes. He was muscular but only subtly, and always seemed pretty nervous. I thought it was adorable.

He bent down to pick up my pencil and handed it to me. 
"Good morning Charlotte!" He said with a dimpled smile. I held my breath and whispered a greeting.

"Hello everyone! Please pull out your English textbook and open to page 592. We will be learning about convictions and sentence fragments." He said while walking to the chalk board.

I looked around and girls were popping gum and looking into makeup compacts. The boys were tossing little paper balls at each other's heads. I rolled my eyes and turned back around. I wasn't nerdy but I wanted to take my education seriously so I could have a good future.

I tapped my pencil deep in thought for a while, until I heard the bells chime signaling class rotation. Gathering my books, I gave a longing glance to Mr. Delga and quietly moved along. He was grading papers at his desk, but shot me a quick smile. I felt my cheeks turning pink and quickly moved out of the classroom.

I felt someone pull at my arm swiftly as I was walking to my locker.

"HIYA DOLLFACE!!!" Joey said with a boyish grin. 

"Joey you scared me so bad that I jumped!" I gave him a jokingly mean look.

Joey had black greased hair and was your typical greaser. He always had a cigarette in hand and his black leather jacket.

"I love scaring ya, what can I say?" he said while shrugging his shoulders. We met up with Rosa and went to second period.

The day progressed as usual until lunch time. Joey, Rosa, and I normally go sit under the cherry tree at the top of this hill. Joey and Rosa had to go make up chemistry lab work, so I was left alone at lunch.

I grabbed my paper bag lunch and made my way up the hill humming a jukebox tune. It was very isolated up here and I loved being surrounded by nature. I was finally at the tree and I sat by the trunk. I opened my bag and pulled out my red checkered napkin.

I later that down and placed an apple, my turkey sandwich, and a coke on top. I began to eat when I heard a noise. I assumed it was a bunny, until a shadow was cast over me. I looked up and I swear I saw an angel that day.

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 26, 2016 ⏰

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