Chapter 2:

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Rosa and I walked down the sidewalk to our school. Applewood high school. It was exactly a 7 minute walk from my house. Our tiny heels tapped against the concrete as we made plans for the weekend. Suddenly I was grabbed around the waist and in a quick motion I was faced with Joey. Joey is another close friend along with Rosa. We had our own little group, and he has never talked about dating me.

I see Joey as a brother, he has always been protecting me and watching over me.

"Gooooooddddd morning doll face. Ready for the first day of our last year?" He said with his trademark goofy grin. Joey has always called me doll, or doll face.

"I suppose." I said with a little sigh.

"Awe cheer up doll." he said tickling my sides while I slapped his hands, whining and scowling. Rosa laughed good heartily and pushed Joey.

We arrived at the school and kids were flooding inside. Cliques formed around outside on the lawn. Let's see. There was the nerds, big glasses and big egos. There was the jocks, bigger egos with bigger muscles. And then there was the popular girls, big hair and big mouths. Finally the druggies, big bucks for big shipments.

My group was the misfits. Joey was not athletic in any way, but definitely a looker. He enjoyed the arts and babes. Rosa. She would've been in the popular group if she didn't hang around me. She is drop dead gorgeous and always fighting off the boys. She was super girly, but she could kick someone's ass.

And then there is me. I'm Italian and I have a thick accent. I can't help it, I was raised this way. But it seems some people at this damn school have a problem with it. Oh well. I like not having a group. And my major flaw, you may ask? I refuse to date boys right now. I'm not prude or a lesbian, but let's face it boys are pigs.

We received our usual glares from the popular girls and walked right on. I gripped my books tightly, as the bell rang loudly. I made my way to my locker and put in the combination. It popped open and I placed my books in neatly. Rosa and Joey were fighting over celebrities. Rosa usually won, because of her expert knowledge aka stalking.

"Joey, why do you still try at these arguments?" I say sarcastically while rolling my eyes.

"I want to at least see if I can win once." he says with a pleading look.

Rosa grins at me devilishly and my eyes widen as she smacks him in the back of the head harshly. His head bops foreword and he mumbles something about women these days.

She links her arm in mine and we walk to first period together. She is chomping loudly on her bright pink bubble gum and we are talking quietly.

"Okay girl keep your head held high, and get good grades. I'm going to class. Bye Charlotte see you at lunch." She gave me a quick hug and walked quickly to her classroom. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

I was nervous because I have been bullied for most of my life. And my worst nightmare, By the one and only Victoria Monroe.



Hello my name is Justin Bieber. I am the son of a lawyer and my mom is a stay at home sweetheart. My dad is loaded with cash, and spoiled me rotten as a child. Truth be told he wasn't much of a father. He would always have another meeting, a business call, an "accident" at his law firm.

Well I have a story for you. My mom dressed up really fancy the one day, she had all her pearls on, a beaming white smile, and bouncy curls. She packed him a sandwich and all of his favorite foods, along with champagne. I was left with the babysitter, because I was only eight years old.

She grabbed the food and made her way to his office. About an hour later she came in, black tears running down her porcelain face and sat on the ground just sobbing.

My bastard of a father was caught cheating on her. She walked right in on him and his assistant, Marcia. Let's just say, things had a downward spiral after that. My mom divorced him and got herself a job as a waitress. As for me, you may ask? Well I know some people, and I'm not how I was in the past. I don't go to school and I don't care either.

I'm not categorized, nor will I ever be. Girls for me are like tissues, light, pretty, useful, and disposable. I don't care about people's feelings, or emotions. Yes I am a heartless asshole, deal with it babe.

Well here it is fam!!! I hope you enjoyed this! Comment and vote!!

Love ya beauties!!

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