That Diagnostican...

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Time for something not game-related or anime-related...House M.D.
Oh yeah baby! I love House!
I'm on season 6 rn, and it's pretty chill.
Kinda weird to say that House M.D. is chill because of all the patients having some kind of reaction that causes them to be in worse condition than before, but it's cool.
I loved the first season because of how cocky House was, even throughout the other seasons, but I have to admit, I was scared to fully start watching season 6 from how life would be for House without Vicodin, but it's amazing!
I took this picture from an episode I was watching yesterday on my new laptop I got a couple weeks ago!

I loved the first season because of how cocky House was, even throughout the other seasons, but I have to admit, I was scared to fully start watching season 6 from how life would be for House without Vicodin, but it's amazing!I took this picture f...

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He was with a patient who was dying in less than a day during a lockdown of the hospital. A baby had been missing, but they found her.
He actually has his humanity's really sad.
I also love Wilson and how he acts with House! Is it bad I kinda ship them two??
Oh well, when you ship two people together, you ship two people together. It's as simple as that.
Although I shouldn't be embarrassed about shipping people together, I am (at times.)
Okay! Here's an adorable picture of Wilson and House!👇🏻

)Okay! Here's an adorable picture of Wilson and House!👇🏻

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Wilson's just like, "I guess if you have to take a picture, then take one." *makes sexy puppy face* "What? Is there something wrong with my face?"
Photographer: ", just keep looking like...yourself." He's so cute!
*drools all over $1000 camera*
"Right. Now! Can we take some pictures?!" (House says this, btw.)
This is sooooooo bromantic!❤️
Goodbye for now! Hope everyone had/has a good day!💕
(Sorry for this crappy chapter, I was at church all day and can't seem to type/spell correctly!) Lol😂

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