State of Denial 2-New Girl in Town

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I stepped out of my 2007 Nissan Altima, my stilettos making a clacking sound. I straightened my skirt and shirt, slinging my bag over my shoulder, pressing the lock button on the remote. I looked around at the parking lot, ratty old cars, Toyota trucks dropped to the ground, windows black as night, and then of course there were people. Hundreds of people sitting, walking, standing, talking, eating. Hundreds of people.

"Excuse me Miss."

I turned around and came face to face with the chest of a 6' 2", short blond haired, blue eyed young man.

"Hi! I'm Peter." He said and smiled, reaching out and grabbing my hand, pulling it to his mouth and kissed it.

"Hi!" I said in a high pitched cheerful voice and smiled.

"You are?" He asked an arrogant smile on his face, still holding my hand.

"Not interested." I said flatly and pulled my hand back from his, wiping it off on his letter jacket. I turned and walked away, looking for my first class.

As I took a seat, the bell rang. The teacher walked in hold a clip board, scribbled his name on the board and began calling out names.


"MMM." The girl in front of me said uninterestedly.

"Peter, Jack, Erik?" The three letters raised their hands.

"Josiah." The teacher called and looked around when no one said anything.

"Josiah Meyers?" The boy next to me sighed and put his finger in the air.

"Thank you for your participation Mr. Meyers."

Josiah nodded, showing no expression on his face.

"Scarlett Carmichael?" I looked up from my desk.

"Yeppp." I said and raised an eyebrow, lifting my pencil.

Peter turned around and winked at me, causing Stacey and Josiah to both turn and look at me for the first time.


I looked at her, intrigued. She was beautiful. She had black medium length straightened hair, which turned auburn when the sun hit it, and strangely familiar green eyes. She was average size for a girl, a size 7? No, maybe a 9, but those eyes, they were definitely familiar. But from where? I leaned over to her and stuck out my hand.

"Joe." I said and smiled.


I looked at his out stretched hand and his big beautiful smile.

"Scarlett." I said and shook his hand. His warm touch sent a shiver down my spine. He winked at me and I blushed, releasing his hand and staring down at my desk.


I walked into the cafeteria and looked for a place to sit. I scanned the room, everyone had a clique. The nerds, jocks, barbies, Asians, Mexicans, a table or two for each clique. It WAS like this in every high school then. I sighed. I got my mystery meat lunch, and my expired milk, and slowly walked around.

"Hi! I'm Cara!"

"And I'm Sarah!"

Two black haired, brown eyed, 5' 5", twin girls smiled at me.

"Come sit with us!" They said in unison, one grabbing my lunch and the other grabbing my hand, dragging me toward their table.

Sarah put my lunch down on the table and I took a seat in front of it. Dead center of the table was Stacey. She was glaring at me.

I smiled at the 5 girls and they smiled back. I was sitting at the popular table. FINALLY! I started to take a bite of my orange when Stacey approached me. The cafeteria quieted down and everyone started to turn and face us.

I stood up to face her.

The both of us crossed our arms and popped out our hips. I was going to beat her plastic brain out of her if she touched me. I raised an eyebrow at her and waited for her vicious words.

"Look here Ms. Thing, since you're new and all, I'll be polite." She said and pointed at Peter on the next table.

"He. Is mine. Hands off. Got it?" She said and smiled at me.

"Oh, trust me. Stupid is NOT my type. I mean stupid and I tried it out once, but we've agreed to see other people. So there's no need for you to worry about me wanting... Idiot." I said bluntly and smirked at her.

The mouths of the girls sitting around our table, including Staceys, dropped open.

"Anything else?" I said sweetly.

"Yeah actually there is something else." She pointed her perfectly manicured finger at my face and took a step forward.

"You listen to me Bitch, and you listen good. I run this school, you are a nobody. I am the only one here who can change that. You got that? By the way, maybe you should skip lunch." She reached over and patted my belly, smirking like she had just won the battle.

That was it. I wasn't going to let her insult me. I stuck my hand in the air and slapped her face. Everyone in the room erupted into cheers. I had just stood up for everyone that Stacey had made fun of, turned down, spoke bad of; everything and anything bad she had ever done to anyone in the room.

"You are going to pay for this Carmichael." She said, my hand print still red on her cheek, and scowled at me.

"Look around babe." I said and held my hands out, looking around the room.

"You Bitch..."

A girl in the corner of the room who had hid behind a book until now stood up.

"Save it skank. She owns you." She screamed, her braces glittering in the lunchroom fluorescents, pointing at Stacey and smiling. The crowd erupted into cheers once more and she ran from the room, tears streaming down her face.


As I lay on my bed, I heard a loud clash in Autumns room and got up to look. I noted the driveway was empty when I came in, just as a neighborly concern but there was a light on and a shadow danced on her curtains as someone moved in the room, for the first time in six months.


So I found chapter 2 on my jumpdrive.... more rambling from the semi genius mind of me. =] <3 Jazzie

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