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Greetings my dearest children,

Do you feel you've read every single fucking book there is in Wattpad?

Think again.

I decided to share my all time favourite books and movies with you sweet souls.

Now, I'm aware that not everyone has the same taste when it comes to, well, just about anything. Something I find lovely you may find horrid.

That is okay.

Coming from me that should mean a lot.

Anywhore, if you're looking for an ideal book to read, either from Wattpad or hard cover books, a pleasant movie or TV show to watch, it is your lucky day.

I am queer,
I am high gear.
Do not fear,
Jesus is here.

I shall save you from your misery.

Ps: disregard the title, I just really like the word Pandemonium...

Best wishes,

Pandemonium AffairsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora