Rin Matsuoka x Reader - Play it safe - Part 54 - Plans for tonight

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(Late morning; Haruka's house)

You woke up in the room upstairs to find out that Gou and Kokoro have already got up. You went down the stairs to check where are the others are. When you entered the living room you found Gou and Kokoro eating in silence.

"Hay...where are the others?", you came in an asked

"They left a minute ago. Some of them went for a run and some of them went back home", Kokoro replied

"Oh is that so?", you said half spaced out, "Well then, shall we take our roller skates and go around block ones, Kokoro? I can have a swimming practice later in the afternoon. I also have to turn in my transfer documents"

"Transfer documents?", Gou suddenly asked

"Yeah...I'm going in all-girls school. I need to transfer because of swimming.", you replied

"All-girls school? The one next to Samezuka?", Gou questioned

"Yup. That's the only one...I'll transfer there and try to get in their swimming team on trails", you explained

"I thought you are going to take some time to decide that...", Kokoro said

"I'd rather do it all as soon as possible", you said, "I don't want to waste any time"

Gou was looking at you with a suspicious look. "What?", you asked her

"Nothing...", she said and went back to eating her breakfast

"Oooook, I'm going to grab my equipment and we can go around the block. We'll split after...", Kokoro suggested

"Ok, me too, let's go...", you agreed

You two grabbed your stuff and went out through the door saying goodbye to Gou who was still in a foul mood.


When you two were finally outside and on your roller skates, Kokoro decided to ask you a question: "How come you decided to transfer so soon?"

"I thought about it overnight kinda....I think I have no time to waste and the sooner I start practicing in a proper team the better", you replied

"That's true...are you gonna tell Rin about your decision to transfer sooner?", Kokoro asked

"I'm gonna tell him soon enough. When I see him I guess...", you said

"Me telling you that Rin was hitting on a girl from that school doesn't have anything to do with your decision right?", Kokoro was looking at you suspiciously

"Would I do something like that?", you raised your eyebrows

"Well...it's unlike you but I just thought my words had an impact partially", Kokoro said

"Nah, it's not about that at all. Transferring in the same school wouldn't do any good or any bad regarding that matter. Plus I don't really care to be honest. I wanna stay out of that matter.", you explained

"Aha...", Kokoro was still looking suspicious, "By the way, wanna meet up in town tonight? I was thinking of inviting one girl I know from around here who I know from competitions since the elementary school?"

"Ha? Who? You know someone from here?", you asked

"Yeah...I do. I befriended her like in elementary school, we don't talk very often but not would be the chance to do so while I'm still here....", Kokoro said

"Well ok...I'm in. Why not?", you replied, "Also, Kokoro, with who were you texting last night?"

"Ugh....right I forgot to tell you. Sousuke...it seems I'm back on a black list...", Kokoro said rolling her eyes

"LOOOOOL What did you do this time?", you asked

"Well...you know that whole thing with him and Uozumi staying in the same room...", Kokoro started to explain, "Well except telling Sousuke what was I texting him about, Uozumi apparently added more juicy details. At least I think he did because Sousuke suddenly told me to forget what he told me outside last night and sounded like he was back in his bitchy mood."

"Ha? What the hell? Were you supposed to erase your memory or something?", you mocked

"My point exactly...plus he called me dishonest", Kokoro pouted

"But you are dishonest in part", you were being blunt

"EH?", she shouted at you

"Tsch, don't get mad but you did kinda lie to him and I perfectly well know you are partially two-timing them. I know you wanted to say the least damaging thing to Uozumi...but you didn't say "no" exactly did you?", you replied

"Ugh...how am I two-timing them....I'm not going out with any of them officially?", Kokoro fought back

"You know what I mean...you are keeping them both interested....or are you not?", you didn't back off

"Tsch....ok....maybe...but I'm not planning on dating them both....or one of them for that matter", Kokoro said

"You're not?", you were suspicious

Kokoro looked away. "Don't know...but I will admit something. I was kinda trying to hit Sousuke's never yesterday..."

"AHAHA what did you say?", you asked

"Kinda told him things with Uozumi are between the two of us...", she said in kind of quiet member

You smirked. "You did ha?", you laughed a bit, "Anyway...see you tonight...we part ways here. I'm going towards Iwatobi to pick up my stuff and train there until the boys come over. They told me I can use the pool. And later I'm going to that all-girls school to do some inquiry. I hope everything can be sorted out fast."

Kokoro nodded. "Good luck, mate! See you tonight then!"

"See ya!", you replied and went fast ahead

Rin Matsuoka x Reader - Play it safeWhere stories live. Discover now