Possibility 4

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(This is a Hunger Games AU, where Rue isn't as sweet as we think...)

Sick and disoriented, I'm able to form only one thought: Peeta Mellark just saved my life.

Then the ants bore into my eyes and I black out. 

When I come to, I realize that I am alone. Which makes no sense to me, because while I was under the influence of the venom, it must have a been a boring few days for the Capitol if no tribute noticed me. But according to my lack of more injury, no tribute did. I am exhausted, and confused, but I do have a weapon now. My bow and arrows. 

I begin to walk. The scenery looks different enough to me to raise suspicion about how I got here. Did I stumble around mindlessly while the venom was taking effect? Did a tribute move me here so they could keep an eye on me?

I hear strong evidence that someone is indeed lying in wait for me. I don't think I hear the familiar sound of footsteps, not even faraway steps, but I hear brushing against a tree. It is very quiet, and I have to let my arms fall to my side and relax completely to hear it. It is the subtle sound of a breathing body leaning backwards against a tree. I step closer, and I hear shuffling. Clearly the tribute cannot sense how close I am. I raise my bow and arrow and...Rue. She is a shadow, but I've caught her. 

She steps out from behind the tree. Unusually boldly for such a shy girl.      

She's holding two of Clove's knives. 

"You know how good I am. Why couldn't the others see it too?"

"You're working for them."

"I want to be on the winning team. That's all."

I remember I told Haymitch that I'm no good at infighting.   

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2016 ⏰

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